

September 14, 2009


Den norske Burmakomité deler ut ett reisestipend årlig på inntil 20.000 kroner til journalister i Norge for reportasjearbeid i Burma eller grenseområdene.

September 8, 2009

Opening of PitchWise Festival

Festival of Women Arts in B&H

August 28, 2009

Meeting of the Editorial Group for UPR

Review of the NGO Report for UPR of B&H

August 26, 2009

4th PitchWise Festival

Festival of Women Arts in B&H

August 26, 2009

Forum discussion

“Educational inclusion of children who do not attend schools in Aerodrom municipality”

August 24, 2009

Training seminar

Democracy here, there and everywhere

August 17, 2009

Educational Program

Knowing your rights and herstory, empower and activate yourself!

August 17, 2009

Call for Essays

How EU can learn from war and post-war experience of ex-Yugoslavia countries regarding the models of peace-building?

August 11, 2009

UN Human Rights Committee review of the Russian Federation

When: Monday, 12. October 2009 To: Friday, 30. October 2009 Where: Geneva, Switzerland, UN’s Palais Wilson Host: United Nations Contact: Florian Irminger, Head of the HRHF Geneva office (