

October 13, 2009

‘Look Europe’ by Ghazi Rabihavi

A unique chance to see a reading of the powerful play ‘Look Europe’ by the Iranian playwright Ghazi Rabihavi. The play is based on what happened to English PEN’s Honorary Member Faraj Sarkohi, editor of Adineh, the only independent journal in Iran, when he was arrested in 1996 and accused of spying.

October 13, 2009

Семинар в рамках программы “Применение международного права в правозащитной деятельности”

16-18 октября 2009 года в Доме прав человека состоится очередная обучающая сессия в рамках программы “Применение международного права в правозащитной деятельности”.

October 12, 2009

Protect the Human! Make Shell come clean!

This fall’s campaign of Amnesty International Region Vest (Bergen, Norway) focuses on Shell’s human rights violations in the Niger Delta.

October 12, 2009

UN Human Rights Committee reviews Russia during its 97th session in Geneva

On the 12-30th of October, 2009 UN Human Rights Committee reviews Russia during its 97th session in Geneva. Russian Research Center for Human Rights organizations had submitted to the Committee in advance an NGO report, entitled “Replies to the list of issues” (right), which emphasized the most dire human rights problems in the country.
Lyudmila Alpern, the Chief Manager of Prisons’ Visiting Program of Russian Research Center for Human Rights (RRCHR), will be present at a review in Geneva. In her presentation she will touch upon specific issues, regarding problems of public control over the places of detention in Russia (last year the Law “On public control over the places of forced imprisonment” was passed in Russia). In accordance with the Law in more then half of Russian regions Public Supervising Committees were organized. Alpern will report on the progress achieved with regard to conditions of detention of persons deprived of their liberty for the recent years and share the experience in the sphere of public control over the closed establishments with other participants

October 9, 2009

Mlada MIRamiDA Training

Change the world

October 9, 2009

Blue October Campaign in Norway

The right to clean water is in the middle of lectures, debates and other events.

October 9, 2009

Blue October Campaign in Norway

The right to clean water is in the middle of lectures, debates and other events.

October 8, 2009

Election Observation Project: Call for Applications

United Centre of Initiatives for Belarus (JuBIC), Swedish International Liberal Centre (Silc), European Humanities University (EHU) and Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius (HRH) announce a new call for applications to participate in the election observation project in 2010.

October 8, 2009

Прымаюцца заяўкі на ўдзел у праекце па назіранні за выбарамі

Абвешчаны набор кандыдатаў на ўдзел у праекце па назіранні за выбарамі, які супольна ажыццяўляюць Аб’яднаны цэнтр беларускіх ініцыятываў (JuBIC), Шведскі міжнародны ліберальны цэнтр (Silc), Еўрапейскі гуманітарны універсітэт (ЕГУ) і Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека ў Вільні (ДПЧ).