An Iranian Odyssey: Mossadegh, Oil and the 1953 CIA Coup
Film screening followed by panel discussion chaired by Malu Halasa, with anthropologist and filmmaker Ziba Mir-Hosseini and
filmmaker and editor Simon Ardizzone.
World Parliamentarian Convention on Tibet
The conference, which was last held in Edinburgh in 2005, will be opened by Dalai Lama. The central theme of the conference: how parliamentarians around the world can contribute to a solution to the Tibet conflict.
Принимаются заявки на участие в дистанционном обучении адвокатов/юристов
Секретариат международной Сети Домов прав человека и Дом прав человека в Вильнюсе объявляют набор для участия в программе дистанционного обучения адвокатов и юристов международному праву прав человека. Отбор участников производится на конкурсной основе.
Professional Journalism and Human Rights
How do journalists evaluate the work of human rights defenders? What do human rights defenders say about the work of journalists? Why human rights is a very important aspect of journalism? These questions will be discussed at the joint seminar of human rights defenders, journalists and guest experts.
Professional Journalism and Human Rights
How do journalists evaluate the work of human rights defenders? What do human rights defenders say about the work of journalists? Why human rights is a very important aspect of journalism? These questions will be discussed at the joint seminar of human rights defenders, journalists and guest experts.
Семінар “Прафесійная журналістыка і правы чалавека”
Як журналісты ацэньваюць працу праваабаронцаў? Як праваабаронцы ацэньваюць працу журналістаў? Чаму пытанне правоў чалавека – вельмі істотны аспект у журналістыцы? Гэтыя пытанні будуць закранацца падчас прадстаўнічага семінару з удзелам абодвух зацікаўленых бакоў і экспертаў.
Lunch meeting with the Rafto Award winner 2009 Malahat Nasibova
Malahat Nasibova is a journalist and human rights activist. She is from Azerbaijan. Nasibova has been awarded the prize for her courageous and unwavering struggle for a free and independent press.
Meeting with the Rafto Award winner 2009 Malahat Nasibova
Malahat Nasibova is a journalist and human rights activist. She is from Azerbaijan. Nasibova has been awarded the prize for her courageous and unwavering struggle for a free and independent press.