

November 25, 2009

UN Universal Periodic Review of Norway screening

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights hosts the screening of the United Nations’ review of Norway under the Universal periodic review mechanism. Following breakfast and a brief introduction by Kristin Høgdahl of the NCHR on what the UPR mechanism is, the actual review session in Geneva will be screened live on widescreen. After the review, from 12:00 to 12:30, there will be a brief concluding discussion.

November 25, 2009

Regional Roundtable in Georgia

Human Rights Center and the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders invite you to a Regional Roundtable ‘Civil Society 20 years after the fall of totalitarian regimes in the South Caucasus: Analyzing the Past, Planning the Future’

November 25, 2009

South Caucasus Human Rights Defenders Network meeting

When: Monday, 23. November 2009 To: Wednesday, 25. November 2009 Where: Tblisi, Georgia

November 25, 2009

Электронное обучение адвокатов: принимаются заявки

Секретариат международной Сети Домов прав человека вместе с партнерами в Азербайджане, Беларуси, Грузии и России объявляют набор для участия в программе дистанционного обучения международному праву прав человека. Отбор участников производится на конкурсной основе.

November 25, 2009

169 км: Фестываль беларуска-літоўскай салідарнасці

У фестывалі сваю творчасць прэзентуюць музыкі і гурты з Літвы ды Беларусі, якія бралі ўдзел у ранейшых канцэртах салідарнасці. На суд грамадскасці будзе прадстаўленая агульная кружэлка ўсіх выканаўцаў „169 км” (усяго-ткі такая адлегласць падзяляе нашыя сталіцы – Вільню і Менск).

November 25, 2009

169 km: Belarusian-Lithuanian Solidarity Festival

Songs of musicians and bands from Lithuania and Belarus from this year‘s Solidarity Concerts will be presented at the Festival, as well as a new CD “169 km” (which is a distance between two our capitals: Vilnius and Minsk).

November 20, 2009

Opening of the Human Rights House Zagreb

Offical ceremony

November 20, 2009

16 Days of Activism

International Campaign

November 18, 2009

An Iranian Odyssey: Mossadegh, Oil and the 1953 CIA Coup

Film screening followed by panel discussion chaired by Malu Halasa, with anthropologist and filmmaker Ziba Mir-Hosseini and
filmmaker and editor Simon Ardizzone.