

March 22, 2010

Documenta’s Press Conference

Prosecution of crimes in ”Medak pocket” (military operation)

March 22, 2010

Regional Conference: Minorities for Minorities

Examples of good practice in ethnic relations

March 16, 2010

Moving to Mars: A Million Miles From Burma

Moving To Mars, follows two refugee families from Burma over the course of a year that will change their lives completely.

March 16, 2010

Wahu Kaara visits CURE Foundation

Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 2005, Wahu Kaara

March 15, 2010

Free Iranian Journalists: Maziar Bahari presents Our society will be a free society

A night of music, entertainment and speech in support of journalists, bloggers and writers in Iran.

March 15, 2010

Russia’s North Caucasus – human rights and conflict dynamics

Over ten years have passed since Yeltsin announced a second full ground offensive against Chechnya with the words “we want to end once and for
all the centre of international terrorism in Chechnya.” But what has Moscow achieved? The harsh policies pursued during continuous anti- terrorist operations in the region probably fuel rather than soothe conflict. Recent developments in North Caucasus suggest that the Islamist insurgency is spreading.

March 15, 2010

10 способов превращения информации в действие: показ фильма и дискуссия

Если ты хочешь организовать информационную кампанию, если хочешь научиться чётко формулировать свой запрос в Интернете, если хочешь научиться чему-либо у других, то этот фильм для тебя!

March 15, 2010

10 tactics for turning information into action: film screening and discussion

If you want to effectively use the power of the web, if you want to launch an information campaign, if you want to effectively say what you want to say online, if you want to learn from the experience of others, watch this film! (a blogger from the Philippines)

March 14, 2010

How free should free speech be? The Orwell Prize

George Orwell was a staunch proponent of freedom of all kinds, especially of speech and of the press. But with criticisms of the media flourishing, preachers of hate making headlines, the anonymity of the internet, and journalists complaining about libel laws – how free is free speech, and what should the limits be?