

October 11, 2010

Future of human rights protection – Questions to ask the panel?

As we celebrate 60 years of the European Convention on Human Rights, a panel will look at the challenges facing international human rights protection in the 21st century seen from the perspective of the different Council of Europe human rights monitoring bodies.

October 11, 2010

7th Regional Forum

on transitional justice

October 6, 2010

4th anniversary of the assassination of Anna Politkovskaya

-I am not a politician, said Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya. -I am only a human being among many, a face in the crowd in Moscow, Chechnya, St. Petersburg and other places.

October 5, 2010

HRHF participates at OSCE review conference

HRHF will participate at the OSCE Review Conference in Warsaw, Poland, 6-7 October, and attend the side event “Human Rights defenders in the NIS region: common threats and strategies of defence”. The side event is organized in cooperation with the International Youth Human Rights Movement. Representatives from the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders will also be present.

October 5, 2010

Meeting of Informal coordination

Human Rights Education in Schools

September 29, 2010

New Documenta publications

on war happenings in Croatia

September 29, 2010

New Documenta publications

on war happenings in Croatia

September 23, 2010

Очередная Конференция Российского исследовательского центра по правам человека

20 сентября 2010 года состоится очередная Конференция Российского исследовательского центра по правам человека. Представители организаций-членов Центра соберутся в здании Общественного центра им. А. Сахарова для того, чтобы обсудить наиболее острые вопросы российского правозащитного движения, заслушать отчеты о деятельности Центра, обсудить общие проекты Центра, поделиться опытом и обменяться мнениями.

September 23, 2010

Regular Conference of Russian Research Center for Human Rights

Members of the Board of Russian Research Center for Human Rights will gather with the aim to discuss the most urgent issues of situation with human rights in Russia, working our of joint policy and strategy, to discuss finance report of the Director, current and new projects of member organizations, election of the Director, Chairman of the Board and Audit Commission.