

February 7, 2011

Representing Sri Lanka in the Face of Conflict

Sri Lanka has been home to one of the longest civil wars in recent history, yet this conflict has gone relatively unreported and attacks upon journalists are widespread.

February 7, 2011

Free the Word! 2011: Translating Power

How do literary writers speak truth to power? What can novels, plays and poems say about world politics? Does censorship provoke new forms of creativity? And why is there so little contemporary British literature about political power?

February 7, 2011

Free Speech: The Night Class- Banned, Burned and Bowdlerised

This six-part course, led by Dr Sophie Mayer, will consider some of the best known and most dramatic challenges to free speech: attacks on poems, plays, novels and films.

February 7, 2011

Международная конференция проекта “Электронное обучение адвокатов правам человека”

11-14 марта 2011 года в Белорусском доме прав человека состоится вторая международная конференция проекта “Электронное обучение адвокатов правам человека” для участников из Азербайджана, Беларуси, Грузии и России.

February 7, 2011

2nd International conference, Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers

On 11-14 March 2011, the Belarusian HRH will host the second international conference within the framework of the Project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” for project participants from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Russia.

January 31, 2011

Norwegian NGOs gather in support of Russian civil society

In solidarity with the Russian civil society, Norwegian organizations mark the 31 of January by requirering freedom of assembly in the Russian Federation, as stated in the article 31 of the Russian consitution.

January 24, 2011

Visit to Mozhaisk prison for women

On the 27th of 2011 members of Public Supervising Committee on Moscow Region Abdulla Duduev and Israpil Shovkhalov (the editors of first independent North-Caucasian journal will visit Mozhaisk prison for women.

January 24, 2011

Первое выездное заседание членов ОНК по Московской области

27-го января состоится первое выездное заседание членов ОНК по Московской области от Российского исследовательского центра по правам человека Абдуллы Дудуева и Исрапила Шовхалова (редакторы первого независимого журнала ДОШ) в Можайскую женскую колонию.

January 24, 2011

Final conference on prevention of torture and violent treatment

27th of January RRCHR will hold a final conference on a joint project “Prevention of tortures and violent treatment in closed establishments of Russia’. Such issues as concluding the results of the project, experience exchange, discussing perspectives and possibilities of public control in closed establishments of Russia are in the agenda of the meeting.