

April 1, 2011

Solidarity Action for the Right to Peaceful Assembly in Russia

Join us on every 31st in the calendar to support Freedom of Assembly in Russia.

April 1, 2011

Solidarity Action with Belarus: Demand the Release of Political Prisoners

Join us on the 16th of every month in front of the Norwegian Parliament in Oslo to appeal to the Norwegian authorities to increase their pressure on the Republic of Belarus.

April 1, 2011

Round Table on “Ecological Migration in Georgia”

Human Rights house Tbilisi organizes a round table on “Ecological Migration in Georgia”
The round table will be held at the office of Human Rights House Tbilisi (Niko Nikoladze 7) on Wednesday, 6 April, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.
• Rezo Getiashvili- Project Coordinator at Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)
• Rusudan Mchedlishvili – Article 42 of the Constitution
• Sopho Benashvili – Public Defender’s Office of Georgia
Moderator: Nino Gvedashvili

April 1, 2011

Round table on “the rights to freedom of expression”

Human Rights House Tbilisi organizes a round table on “the rights to freedom of speech and expression”.
The round table will be held at the office of Human Rights House Tbilisi (Niko Nikoladze 7) on Friday, 1 April, 2011 at 2:30 p.m.
• Giorgi Gotsiridze – Lawyer of Constitutional Litigation, Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA).
• Tamar Gabisonia – Chairperson of the Article 42 of the Constitution
• Beka Jikia – legal officer at Human Rights Centre
Moderator: Ia Antadze (a journalist from Radio Liberty)

March 26, 2011

“Акрэсьцінскія будні”: прэзентацыя кнігі

У Вільні ў Доме правоў чалавека 31 красавіка ў 14.00 адбудзецца прэзэнтацыя кнігі “Акрэсьцінскія Будні”. Удзел прымуць укладальнікі кнігі Сяржук Лацінскі і Антон Каліноўскі.

March 26, 2011

“Akrestsin Prison Weekdays”: the book presentation

The presentation will be hosted at the Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius by the book compilers, Siarhei Lacinski and Anton Kalinousky. The book is containing real stories of real people who served administrative punishment in isolation of lawbreakers at Akrestsin Street in Minsk in 2006-2008.

March 24, 2011

Docudays film festival in Kiev

The 8th Docudays International Human Rights Documentary film festival opens today, Friday 25 March, in Kiev, Ukraine. The Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Association is a coorganiser to the festival. HRHF’s Niels Jacob Harbitz is a member of the jury for the festival’s human rights documentary programme.

March 24, 2011

Sustainable agriculture – the most important issue?

20 years after the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, a new major UN Conference on Sustainable Development has been called, to take place in Rio in June 2012. Preparations are going on, in the UN system, among governments and in civil society organizations. The main focus of the conference shall be on Green Economy in the context of Sustainable Development and Poverty eradication, and the issue of international governance of sustainable development.

March 24, 2011

Workshop for journalists on public data accessibility

The Human Rights House Tbilisi is inviting journalists (from regions and from Tbilisi) to the Workshop on public data accessibility.
The main purpose of the workshop is to develop journalists’ skills in accessing public information.
Participants of the workshop can be representative of any media (print and electronic) from Tbilisi as well as from different regions of Georgia.
HRH Tbilisi will cover travel expenses of regional journalists after presenting the documentation.
Workshop will be held at HRH Tbilisi on April 8, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Address: Tbilisi, Niko Nikoladze str. 7 (entrance from the yard)
Tel: 935227
Interested journalists can sent us CV and Motivation Letter via the following email:
Deadline for the application: 6 p.m., April 4, 2011