

June 18, 2011

В Вильнюсе – дискуссия о советском кинематографе Литвы и Беларуси

20 июня в Вильнюсе, в Доме прав человека, состоится открытая дискуссия с участием кинокритиков, кинотеоретиков и студентов из Литвы и Беларуси – заключительная встреча проекта «Литовское/советское кино: Реконструкция» .

June 18, 2011

В Вильнюсе – дискуссия о советском кинематографе Литвы и Беларуси

20 июня в Вильнюсе, в Доме прав человека, состоится открытая дискуссия с участием кинокритиков, кинотеоретиков и студентов из Литвы и Беларуси – заключительная встреча проекта «Литовское/советское кино: Реконструкция» .

June 15, 2011

Driven Out: Journalists and Exile

To mark World Refugee Day, English Pen, Index on Censorship and the Committee to Protect Journalists will hold a panel discussion examining the plight of journalists and writers living in exile.

June 15, 2011

Day of Action for Belarus

19 June, will mark six months since demonstrations against the result of the flawed presidential elections in Belarus resulted in the arrests and detention of over 600 civil society activists. The Belarusian secret police arrested 34 members of the opposition, among them presidential candidates, journalists and human rights activists, several of whom are still detained.

June 7, 2011

Seminar: Kazakhstan – big brother in Central Asia, but who protects human rights?

What are the main challenges for the Ombudsman in Kazakhstan today, in a country that balances stability and economic development with the protection of international human rights?

June 1, 2011

Small Grant Fund for Kazakhstan and vacancy as assistant announced

The NHC has announced a contest for project proposals aiming at improving the situation regarding human rights, democratization or civil society in Kazakhstan. Additionally, the NHC also announces vacancy as assistant to Program Manager of the NHC Representative Office in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

June 1, 2011

Small Grant Fund for Kazakhstan and vacancy as assistant announced

To: Wednesday, 15. June 2011 Host: Norwegian Helsinki Committee More info:

June 1, 2011

Seminar “The underlying dilemma: Azerbaijan and Belarus in the spotlight”

Globalisation means increased business relations not only with developed democracies but also with states with serious challenges in the field of corruption and human rights. How do the two go together?

May 27, 2011

Belarus in the wake of the economic crisis: international human rights perspective

Is the economic downturn in Belarus likely to change the attitudes of the government towards the human rights and democracy? How should we view the events after the presidential elections in Minsk – an attempt of the authorities to suppress “mass unrest” and reintroduce “law and stability” in their country, or as a violent crackdown of rights and freedoms? Should we turn a blind eye on rights of common Belarusians now, when Western powers and Russia are re-considering another deal with the regime of Mr Lukashenka?