

November 11, 2011

International Day to End Impunity

To mark the inaugural International Day to End Impunity on 23 November, join Index on Censorship and Article 19 in demanding justice for journalists’ murdered in the line of duty.

November 11, 2011

International day to end impunity

To: Wednesday, 23. November 2011 Where: worldwide Host: Members of a global network the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX). More info:

November 1, 2011

Review of Belarus at Committee

The United Nations Committee against Torture will review the Republic of Belarus on 11 November and 14 November 2011.

October 27, 2011

Night of the Imprisoned Writer

A unique performance evening to mark the 30th annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, in association with ice&fire theatre company.

October 10, 2011

Night of the Imprisoned Writer

A unique performance evening to mark the 30th annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, in association with ice&fire theatre company.

October 10, 2011

Worldwide Reading: Burma’s silenced poets

English PEN and the Free Burma VJ campaign will be holding a Poetry Protest outside the Burmese Embassy in London to call for the immediate and unconditional release of the many Burmese writers currently detained in violation of their right to free expression.

October 10, 2011

Writing Freedom: The English PEN Roadshow

For ninety years, English PEN has been fighting for the freedom to write and the freedom to read at home and abroad.

October 5, 2011

Changes in Burma? In a woman’s perspective

It is said there are reforms going on in Burma after the election last year. At the same time there are still around 2000 political prisoners in Burmese jails and the level of conflict in ethnic areas have escalated.

October 5, 2011

Прагляд фільма і дыскусія “Рэжым Лукашэнкі не любіць апладысменты”

Літоўскі кінафестываль “Нязручнае кіно”, Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека і арганізацыя Belarus Watch запрашаюць на прагляд фільма пра беларускі Вольны тэатр і дыскусію: ці можа чалавек карыстацца сваёй свабодай выказвання меркаванняў і свабоды сходаў у Беларусі? Чаму ўсё больш і больш грамадзян Беларусі, журналісты, мастакі, навукоўцы і іншыя просяць палітычнага прытулку ў Літве і іншых краінах? Якая сітуацыя з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі?