

May 5, 2012

Публічная лекцыя ўкраінскай эксперткі па візава-міграцыйнай палітыцы ЕС Ірыны Сушко ў Вільні

Арганізацыя Belarus Watch і грамадзянская кампанія «У Беларусь і Еўропу – БЕЗ ВІЗЫ!» запрашае Вас на публічную лекцыю ўкраінскай эксперткі па візава-міграцыйнай палітыцы ЕС Ірыны Сушко ў Вільні.

Лекцыя адбудзецца 11 мая ў пятніцу ў 14.00 у Беларускім Доме правоў чалавека ў выгнанні ў Вільні (Latako g. 3).

May 3, 2012

Conference: Changing the face of freedom

international artists with artists based in the UK, from the Middle East, Burma and Belarus, will reflect on what happens to the creative vocabulary when the political landscape changes.

May 3, 2012

Should sport be above politics and human rights?

In conjunction with the Free Word Centre’s exhibition ‘Politics and the Olympics’, Index on Censorship will host an event around the question, ‘Should sport be above politics and human rights?’

April 30, 2012

From Party to Prison – Azerbaijan before Eurovision

Et samlet, internasjonalt menneskerettighetsmiljø retter fokus mot den kommende finalen i Eurovision i Baku, Aserbajdsjan.

April 27, 2012

Working Group on Arbitrary Detention 63rd session

When: Monday, 30. April 2012 To: Friday, 4. May 2012 Where: Geneva, Palais Wilson Host: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights OHCHR Contact: Florian Irminger, HRHF’s Head of International Advocacy (

April 22, 2012

Media Freedom on the Internet: a round table discussion in Strasbourg

Between responsibility and reality: How can we guarantee free expression online? As the internet becomes a central feature of everyday life, opinion is still divided on how to make it work for the common good.

April 9, 2012

The Lady – story about Aung San Suu Kyi

The Lady is an epic, intimate and important story about the Nobel Peace Price winner Aung San Suu Kyi and her battle for Burma.

The Norwegian Burma Committee invites to the premier of the movie which will take placce on April 27, 2012 in Oslo kino.

April 9, 2012

Norwegian PEN’s annual meeting – on the situation in Syria

Norwegian PEN in its annual meeting will look closely at the situation in Syria. Journalist and correspondent for Aftenposten Jørgen Lohne, activist Sara Azmeh Rasmussen and the Syrian journalist Massoud Akko will participate in the event. The meeting will be chaired by Elisabeth Eide.

March 29, 2012

“Belarus Action”

A one day conference “Belarus Action” will be held at the House of Literature, Oslo. The main goal of the conference is to create more attention about Belarus in the Norwegian public, challenge Norwegian politicians to work out a new Belarus-policy and to contribute to the work for a democratic Belarus.