

November 26, 2013

Roundtable: After Eastern Partnership Summit: How to promote human rights in Belarus?

The side event will be held within BўRoom. Roundtable discussion will focus on the current human rights situation in the country and ways to improve acceptance and influence for human rights agenda in the country.

November 26, 2013

Круглы стол: Як садзейнічаць прасоўванню правоў чалавека ў Беларусі?

29 лістапада ў межах BўRoom у Вільні пройдзе круглы стол па выніках Саміта Усходняга Партнёрства: Як садзейнічаць прасоўванню правоў чалавека ў Беларусі? Удзельнікі мерапрыемства абмяркуюць бягучую сітуацыю з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі і шляхі павышэння станоўчага стаўлення і павагі да правоў чалавека ў краіне.

November 22, 2013

OSCE Civil Society Forum Kiev

This event will take place on the margins of the annual OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting, building on the tradition of Parallel Conferences held in Astana (2010), Vilnius (2011) and Dublin (2012). These conferences have provided a forum for independent civil society to seek answers to current challenges in the human dimension and develop strategies to try to empower OSCE institutions.

November 22, 2013

OHCHR 2013 Human Rights Day event

Human Rights Day 2013 has special significance in this 20th anniversary year of the establishment of the mandate of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Human Rights Day continues the celebration of the anniversary with 20 YEARS: WORKING FOR YOUR RIGHTS as its theme but with the emphasis on the future and identifying the challenges that lie ahead.

The UN General Assembly proclaimed 10 December as Human Rights Day in 1950, to bring to the attention ‘of the peoples of the world’ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.

For their Human Rights Day activities this year, organisers may also choose to include one or more of the human rights achievements of the past two decades.

November 22, 2013

OSCE Civil Society Forum Kiev

When: Saturday, 2. December 2000 To: Tuesday, 5. December 2000 Where: Kiev More info:

November 6, 2013

Bў-ROOM – крэатыўная грамадзянская прастора

Лепшыя грамадзянскія актывісты Беларусі падрыхтавалі Bў-ROOM – крэатыўную грамадзянскую прастору, што супадзе з Віленскім самітам. Мерапрыемства, якое адбудзецца 28-29 лістапада, прыцягне увагу да грамадзянскай актыўнасці і узаемадзеяння з Беларуссю – бліжэйшым геаграфічным суседам Еўрапейскага саюза, што упарта застаецца па-за межамі Усходняга партнёрства.

November 5, 2013

By-ROOM – a creative civic space

Belarus’ finest civic activists have prepared the By-ROOM – a creative civic space to coincide with the Vilnius Summit. The event, held November 28-29, will draw attention to civic activism and action with Belarus – the European Union’s closest geographical neighbour that remains a stubborn outlier in the framework of the Eastern Partnership.

October 20, 2013

ІІІ Беларускі правабарончы форум

ІІІ Беларускі правабарончы форум адбудзецца 26-27 кастрычніка 2013 года ў Вільні. Да ўдзелу ў Форуме запрошаны прадстаўнікі беларускіх правабарончых арганізацыяў, міжнародныя і замежныя праваабарончыя структуры.

October 20, 2013

The 3rd Belarusian Human Rights Defender Forum

The 3rd Belarusian Human Rights Defender Forum will be held on 26-27 October 2013 in Vilnius in the Holiday Inn Vilnius Hotel (Seimyniskiu str. 1). The Forum participants will be representatives of the Belarusian human rights organizations, their international partners and international human rights bodies.