Letter to OSCE on Belarus
President Marek Nowicki of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) in the Republic of Poland has written a letter to the OSCE, remarking Belarusian authorities´ violation of the freedom of expression. (23 August 2002)
Report reveals police torture in Russia
Police torture suspects and disregard a rising tide of nationalist violence, while abuse of Chechen civilians rages unchecked – and Western governments are partly to blame for ignoring the problems, The Moscow Helsinki group said July 9. (30-JULY-02)
Kursk families do not receive donations
Donations received on special relieve accounts were not distributed among Kursk families. The Mother’s Right Foundation has filed a complaint to Reutov (Moscow Region) town Magistrate about the special Commission of the North Fleet. (30-JULY-02)
Breakdown of the Chechen Republic peace talks
Human rights centre “Memorial” and Moscow Helsinki Group announced at a press conference that negotiation platform on the Chechen Republic has collapsed. The platform was set up at a Civil Forum as a regular meetings of NGOs (both Moscow and Chechen), prosecutors, FSB, the United military commanders, Chechen authorities and special human rights envoy in the Chechen Republic. (30-JULY-02)
Kursk families do not receive donations
Donations received on special relieve accounts were not distributed among Kursk families. The Mother’s Right Foundation has filed a complaint to Reutov (Moscow Region) town Magistrate about the special Commission of the North Fleet. (30 July 2002)
Alternative service bill
With the crucial second reading on alternative Service scheduled for 14 June in the State Duma, human rights activists warned at the press conference on 29 May that the bill might be passed that makes alternative service not very different from military service. Several amendments give reasons for concern. (03-JULY-2002)
Alternative punishment
Judges in the Russian Federation have begun sentencing petty offenders to community service as an alternative to prison in a pilot project aimed at exploring ways to relieve overcrowding in the country’s dilapidated prison system. (3-JULY-2002)
Bush on democracy and war in Chechnya
During his visit to Moscow George Bush made an important public speech. He stopped at the issue of the Chechen Republic, which is sensitive for the Russian Federation, by drawing parallels with operations in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. (03-JULY-02)
Film festival on human rights?
The Helsinki Foundation is making efforts to organize in Warsaw the second International Film Festival “Human Rights in Film”. On 29 June HFHR´s representative Darek Kowalski returned from New York, where he had watched about 50 films presented at various festivals by Human Rights Watch. (2 July 2002)