“Conflicting perceptions” – New Report on Macedonia
A new report from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee describes the human rights development in FYR Macedonia since 2001, when a treaty was signed to strengthen the rights of the Albanian minority and contribute to the modernization of the country. (23-APR-03)
Travelling Human Rights Film Festival in Poland
In December 2002 the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) organized an international human rights film festival. Now, films from the repertoire of this festival are making their way around Republic of Poland in a travelling film festival which has been most successful. (23 April, 2003)
“Conflicting perceptions” – New Report on Macedonia
A new report from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee describes the human rights development in FYR Macedonia since 2001, when a treaty was signed to strengthen the rights of the Albanian minority and contribute to the modernization of the country. (23 April, 2003)
Seminar on Human Rights in the United Europe
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) organized a seminar entitled ”Human Rights in the United Europe” from 11-13 April. More than 40 graduates from HFHR’s Human Rights School learned about EU institutions and human rights issues related to the EU. (17-APR-03)
Seminar on Human Rights in the United Europe
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) organized a seminar entitled ”Human Rights in the United Europe” from 11-13 April. More than 40 graduates from HFHR’s Human Rights School learned about EU institutions and human rights issues related to the EU. (17 April, 2003)
Deteriorating Human Rights Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
According to the steering boards of the Helsinki Committees in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Replublika Srpska the human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina has deteriorated since the general elections in October 2002. Returnees are exposed to violence, and religious objects are attacked in order to preserve “ethnically clean” territories. (15-APR-03)
Deteriorating Human Rights Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
According to the steering boards of the Helsinki Committees in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Replublika Srpska the human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina has deteriorated since the general elections in October 2002. Returnees are exposed to violence, and religious objects are attacked in order to preserve “ethnically clean” territories. (15 April 2003)
HFHR Disagrees with Polish Government’s Racial Discrimination Report
Poland’s Government has sent its report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination to the UN. The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has published a counter report, which among other things draws attention to the existence of fascist organizations and the publishing of anti-Semitic materials. (14-APR-03)
Oil and Ethics in Western Sahara
Karen Lomeland Jacobsen from the Rafto Foundation’s student group criticizes the oil company TotalFinaElf for its involvement in searching for oil in Western Sahara. Western Sahara is occupied by Morocco, and UN recommends that use of natural resources such as oil be postponed until after the conflict is resolved. Read more in Norwegian language (14-APR-03)