

January 5, 2004

Human rights observers educated in Bergen

Last autumn, the Department of comparative colitics at the University of Bergen and the Rafto House Foundation co-taught their course in human rights observation. Tanja Clifford, regional coordinator and human rights education officer for Amnesty International Norway sat through all three parts of the course; human rights in a historical perspective, human rights and good governance, and human rights and realpolitik. (28-DEC-03)

January 5, 2004

First International War Children Conference to be held in Canada

WCIP, the War and Children Identity Project, based at the Egil Rafto Human Rights House, works to secure war children´s right to nationality and identity. These are children whose parents belong on opposite sides or who face stigmatisation for reasons related to the situation under which they were conceived. WCIP will give a presentation at the first ever conference on such children, to take place in Montreal, Canada mid-March. (28-DEC-03)

December 28, 2003

Drug abusers’ rights and dignity

From January 1st 2004, Norway has ratified a new law concerning the treatment of drug abusers. The new law entitles drug abusers to ordinary patients´ rights, equal to those of any other patients. Egil Rafto House Foundation will focus upon the treatment of drug abusers from a human rights perspective. (28-Dec-03)

December 18, 2003

Online action for the Chechen Republic armed conflict victims

The Human Rights Network Group and its website Human Rights Online has initiated a public action for the Chechen Republic and a commemoration of the victims of the war there. The war, now in its tenth year, is still ongoing. (12-DEC-03)

December 17, 2003

Serbian Civil Council helps people to repair their homes

The Serbian Civil Council / Movement for Equality in Bosnia and Hercegovina protects citizens of all nations in Bosnia and Hercegovina. These days, the organisation is making a special effort to fund and in other ways help Serbian families repair their homes. (17-DEC-03)

December 15, 2003

British film maker Kim Longinotto receives Warsaw festival prize

With ´The day I will never forget,´ ducumenting the widespread practice of female circumcision in the Somali community in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, Kim Longinotto further reconciled her position as one of Europe´s finest documentarist. At the ´Human Rights in Film´ festival, she received what may have been her greatest honour to date; the prize for outstanding commitment to human rights in film. (15-DEC-03)

December 13, 2003

Young poet presents poem on peace, friendship and freedom

The ten-year-old Homar Rza, an Azerbaijani who has spent only two years in Norway, took the opportunity at the Human Rights House Foundation´s Republic of Azerbaijan conference in Oslo before Christmas to present her own poem called ‘Peace,’ but dealing also with, war, friendship and freedom. Homar presented her poem in Norwegian. Read it, and an English translation too, below. (13-DEC-03)

December 11, 2003

Sarajevo Human Rights House marks International Human Rights Day

Yesterday, on the 10th of December, the Human Rights House in Bosnia and Hercegovina opened its doors and hosted a well attended round table to mark the 56th International Human Rights Day. The event generated lots of attention, not only to the human rights cause, but also to the ideas and initiatives, aims and activities carried out by the six organisations in the house. (11-DEC-03)

December 11, 2003

Sarajevo Human Rights House marks International Human Rights Day

The Human Rights House in Sarajevo opened its doors yesterday for a round table to mark the 56th International Human Rights Day. The event generated lots of attention, not only to the human rights cause, but also to the aims and activities carried out by the six organisations in the house. (11-DEC-03)