Opposition activists end hunger- strike in Nakhchivan
Opposition activists, who have been refusing food in Azerbaijan’s autonomous republic of Nakhchivan since June 21, called off the hunger-strike on Wednesday, Baku’s Russian-language daily newspaper Zerkalo reported. (8 July 2004)
Ilascu and Others vs. Moldova and Russia
The Republic of Moldova and Russian Federation are guilty of non-respecting the human rights in the case of Ilascu group. Strasbourg court pronounced on 7th of July the sentence in the case “Ilie Ilascu si other versus the Republic of Moldova and Russian Federation”. (12-JULY-04)
Letter to Norwegian Prime Minister from Saharawi human rights activists
The Collective of Saharawi human rights activists, including Rafto Laureate Sahara Sidi Mohamed Dadach, recently sent a letter to the Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, expressing their warm thanks and sincere gratitude for “the praiseworthy efforts and the noble and brave position” undertaken by the Norwegian government in order to ensure respect and promotion of human rights in Western Sahara. (10-JULY-04)
Belarusian Human Rights Activists Inquire into Possibility to Judge Belarusian Officials Abroad (09-
Human Rights Center “Viasna” has applied to Mr. Sidiki Kaba, President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) asking for juridical consultation and assistance in bringing of criminal cases against the duty officials of Belarus who are suspected in kidnaps and possible lynching of four opponents of Lukashenka´s regime.
Juma Mosque Congregants Refuse to Recognize New Imam
Congregants of Baku´s Juma mosque are refusing to pray together with a new imam appointed by the Caucasus Muslims´ Office (QMI) in protest of the forcible evection of the Juma mosque congregation from the building on Wednesday. (03 JUNE 2004)
Azeri government suppresses opposition
The incumbent power of Republic of Azerbaijan has launched a wave of arrests of opposition-minded people and oppositin activists. Consequently, a great number of poeple were jailed and while some have run to other countries for seeking political asylum. Currently, the big fish of the opposition parties are still been kept at the prisons. Just a few days before, the ruling regime ordered the police to attack the Juma mosque, which headed by highly educated imam Ilgar Ibrahimoglu.
Secret Services To Get More Powers?
Belarusian Parliament adopted the law about State Security Services, which gives new powers and guarantees to workers of secret services. (03-JULY-04)
Human Rights House Network 10 years!
This year, the Human Rights House Network celebrates its 10th Anniversary. An international conference will be hosted by the Secretariat in Oslo 13-14 October, titled “Activists under attack. Defending the right to be a human rights defender.” (30-JUNE-04)
Preliminary conference program
Sarajevo: From torture chambers to Human Rights House
Buried bodies were what was found when the renovation of what was later to become the Human Rights House of Sarajevo began in 1997. Previously, it had served as an interrogation and torture centre. This week, representatives from 10 countries in the Human Rights House Network gather in Sarajevo, among other things to make preparations for an international conference to take place in Oslo in October on human rights defenders’ deteriorating working conditions and general security. (30-JUNE-04)