

July 27, 2004

Opposition journalist assaulted

Two unknown men assaulted and beat Eynulla Fatullayev, a famed reporter of an opposition magazine, Monitor, on Monday, in the city centre.  Fatullayev is known for his extremely critical articles about the various officials of the incumbent Azerbaijani government. (27 July 2004)

July 26, 2004

1st election coalition of Azerbaijani NGOs turns three

The Election Monitoring Centre (EMC) of non-governmental organizations was established on July 24, 2001 on the initiative of 8 NGOs in Republic of Azerbaijan.  The EMC primarily works in the direction of the development of the election system, improvement of the election legislation, organization of monitoring in the election process, creation of the democratic election environment, and assistance to hold a democratic election. (26 July 2004)

July 25, 2004

HR activits disagree with CE report on political prisoners

The Monitoring Group of NGOs hold a roundtable on assessing the latest report of the CE experts on political prisoner issue in the Republic of Azerbaijan last Friday. The CE experts’ report, which says the problem of political prisoners in Republic of Azerbaijan has been solved, met with protests and confusion by the local human rights activists and opposition-minded political parties.  (25 July 2004)

July 24, 2004

Azerbaijan’s Supreme Court upholds Juma decision

The Azerbaijani Supreme Court revoked the legal status of a Muslim organization, accusing it of spreading “religious propaganda,” the court’s presiding judge said Thursday, Associated Press reported. (23 july 2004)

July 24, 2004

Election Code must be improved, CE urges

Jean-Louis Laurens, Director of the Council of Europe (CE) on Strategic Planning Department, stressed in a Friday meeting with Samad Seyidov, chairman of the permanent parliamentary commission on international relations, that he expected Azerbaijan’s parliamentary elections in 2005 to be held more democratically and fairly. (23 July 2004)

July 24, 2004

OSCE concerned on media situation in Azerbaijan

The new head of the Baku office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Maurizio Pavesi, on Thursday stated that the incidents like the recent kidnapping of the Baku Khabar chief editor “poses a threat to the future of the press in Republic of Azerbaijan,” Turan reported. (23 July 2004)

July 23, 2004

Joint meeting against militian boundlessness in Bashkortostan

On July, 15, 2004 at 12-00 representatives of Committee ” For Civil Rights “, the Moscow Helsinki Group, social movement ” Civil Resistance “, social movement ” For human rights” and political partie “Yabloko” carried out joint protest action against militian boundlessness in Bashkortostan near the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. (23-JULY-04)

July 22, 2004

Police Detain and Beat People at Protest Action in Minsk (22-JULY-04)

On 21 July there turned 10 years of the rule of Aliaksandr Lukashenka. Belarusian opposition held a peaceful action of protest in the center of the capital. The meeting was violently dispersed by special police forces.

July 22, 2004

About the death penalty in Poland

The brutal murder of a young woman enlivens the discussion concerning the restoration of the death penalty as the extreme measure of improving the state of public order in the Republic of Poland. The Law and Justice, one of the main political parties, sponsors the idea. Meanwhile, human rights organizations are protesting against such a solution. (22-JULY-04)