

July 30, 2004

The 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising

On August 1st, 60 years will pass since the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising, during which the Home Army (Armia Krajowa) and the residents of Warsaw, which was occupied by the Nazis, began the tragically concluded independence impulse. A historical debate continues until this day about why the fighters could not count on the assistance of their allies: the Allies and the Red Army. (30-JULY-04) 

July 30, 2004

Chechnya: Elections should be postponed

The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and the Moscow Helsinki Group renewed their calls to the Russian government today to postpone the presidential elections in the Chechen Republic scheduled for 29 August. Their call comes a day after the Central Election Commission of the Chechen Republic rejected the candidacy of Malik Saidullaev, a popular Chechen businessman, as a contender in the forthcoming ballot.(23-JULY-04)

July 30, 2004

Chechnya: Elections should be postponed

The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and the Moscow Helsinki Group renewed their calls to the Russian government today to postpone the presidential elections in the Chechen Republic scheduled for 29 August. Their call comes a day after the Central Election Commission of the Chechen Republic rejected the candidacy of Malik Saidullaev, a popular Chechen businessman, as a contender in the forthcoming ballot. (23-JULY-04)

July 29, 2004

Authorities Tighten Control over Information on the Eve of Parliamentary Election (29-JULY-04)

The election into the Chamber of Representatives of the Belarusian Parliament will take place on 14 October. The authorities are getting ready to it – the wave of repressions increases.

July 29, 2004

Who painted over the billboards with Dalai Lama?

During the night before the arrival of the Chinese leader, Hu Jintao, in the Republic of Poland, “unknown perpetrators” painted over the billboards, presenting the picture of Dalai Lama and the flag of Tibet, along the route of the Chinese delegation. The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Students for Free Tibet prepared the billboards.

July 29, 2004

Joint meeting against boundlessness in Bashkortostan

On July, 15, 2004 at 12-00 representatives of Committee ” For Civil Rights”, the Moscow Helsinki Group, social movement ” Civil Resistance “, social movement ” For human rights” and political partie “Yabloko” carried out joint protest action against militian boundlessness in Bashkortostan near the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (23-JULY-04).

July 29, 2004

Death penalty in Poland again?

The brutal murder of a young woman enlivens the discussion concerning the restoration of the death penalty as the extreme measure of improving the state of public order in the Republic of Poland. The Law and Justice, one of the main political parties, sponsors the idea. Meanwhile, human rights organizations are protesting against such a solution. (22-07-04)

July 29, 2004

Police Detain and Beat People at Protest Action in Minsk

On 21 July there turned 10 years of the rule of Aliaksandr Lukashenka. Belarusian opposition held a peaceful action of protest in the center of the capital. The meeting was violently dispersed by special police forces. (22-JULY-04)

July 28, 2004

Norwegian MFA sends note to Azerbaijan

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has submitted a note to the Foreign Ministry of Republic of Azerbaijan concerning the latest attacks upon Norwegian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Steinar Gil. (28-JULY-2004)