

September 7, 2004

Learn how to establish a Human Rights House

A detailed, revised manual describing how to establish a Human Rights House is now  available in PDF. The purpose is to assist NGO´s wanting to join forces and share knowledge and resources through co-location.(07-SEP-04) 

September 7, 2004

Over 300 Killed in School Carnage

Wails of grief reverberated through the streets of Beslan on Sunday as its residents began burying the more than 300 people slaughtered in a 52-hour hostage crisis last week (6-SEP-04).

September 6, 2004

New film about the 1999 bomb blast in Moscow

On the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attack in Moscow, the Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and other NGO´s and cultural institutions worldwide have prepared screenings of Andrej Niekrasow´s film “Disbelief”, combined with public debates on the topic of the attack´s influence on the war in the Chechen Republic. (03-SEP-04)

September 3, 2004

Azerbaijani Media Protest Visit of Armenian Officers

Media in the Republic of Azerbaijan released a statement protesting visit of Armenian officers to Baku to attend training to be held within NATO Partnership for Peace Program on September 12, 2004. The statement considers visit of Armenian officers who occupied Azerbaijan’s almost 20 per cent of territory as a stab against independence of Republic of Azerbaijan. (03 Sep 2004)

September 3, 2004

Under Siege School May Hold as Many as 1500 Hostages

A woman released from the school in North Ossetia where militants are holding hundreds of children hostage for a third day said there could be over 1000 hostages, instead of the officially announced 320. This came as federal authorities resumed talks with the rebels Friday morning. (03-SEP-04)

September 3, 2004

World Responds to N. Ossetia Hostage Crisis

As the hostage crisis at a school in southern the Russian Federation entered its second day, authorities in North Ossetia revealed that the death toll stands at seven. Offers of help and condemnation of the school seizure have come from around the world. (02-SEP-04)

September 3, 2004

Gunmen Take Over 200 Hostages in North Ossetia School

A group of about 30 gunmen has seized a school in North Ossetia with up to 400 children, Russia’s internal republic bordering war-torn the Chechen Republic and the breakaway Georgian region of South Ossetia. (01-SEP-04)

September 3, 2004

Baku: Radical group members’ sentence stuns public

On Monday the court found the Garabagh Liberation Organization (GLO) chairman Akif Naghi and five members of the organization guilty of violating public order and resisting police. The six GLO activists were arrested on June 22 while protesting against the participation of Armenian officers in a NATO conference held in Baku on June 21-23, Assa-Irada reported. (03-SEP-04)

September 2, 2004

Russia Wants UN Security Council Session on Terror Attacks

Russian Federation has called for an urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council over the series of recent terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation. (01-SEP-04)