

August 13, 2004

Support Igor Sutyagin

As the case of researcher Igor Sutyagin makes its way through the appeal process, he needs your help. Sutyagin was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in April, accused of treason and espionage. (06-AUGUST-04)

August 12, 2004

Parliamentary Election in Belarus: Forming of Circuit Electoral Commissions

The stage of forming of circuit electoral commissions for election into the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of Republic of Belarus is over. Only 2,1% of the members of the commissions that are established by local administrations, belong to oppositional parties. The authorities openly ignored oppositional candidates for membership in the commissions. (05-AUG-04)

August 7, 2004

Baku hosts “Human Rights Summer School”

The Republic of Azerbaijan Young Lawyers’ Union (AYLU) is a non-governmental and non-profit youth organization, which includes about 150 law students, masters and young practicing lawyers. AYLU targets to reinforce human rights situation through promotion and research of human rights, and conduction of workshops and seminars on legal awareness for civilians.  AYLU intends to start a human rights school in Baku on 9-20 August. (07 August 2004)

August 6, 2004

Russia Chairs UN Security Council for One Month

Russian Federation has begun its one month chairmanship of the UN Security Council on August 1st. As chairman of the council, the Russian Federation will give priorities to discussions about situations in Kosovo, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Middle East and conflicts in Africa, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Yuri Fedotov. (06-AUG-04)

August 6, 2004

Support Igor Sutyagin

As the case of Igor Sutyagin (picture) makes its way through the appeal process, he needs your help. On April 7, 2004 the Moscow City Court sentenced Igor Sutyagin, a researcher from the U.S. and Canada Institute in Moscow, to 15 year in hard labor. He is accused in treason and espionage. (06-AUG-04)

August 5, 2004

Parliamentary Election in Belarus: Forming of Circuit Electoral Commissions

The stage of forming of circuit electoral commissions for election into the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of Republic of Belarus is over. Only 2,1% of the members of the commissions that are established by local administrations, belong to oppositional parties. The authorities openly ignored oppositional candidates for membership in the commissions. (05-AUG-04)

August 5, 2004

Azerbaijan: Press Freedom Undermined, reads HRW report

Influential international organisation Human Rights Watch issued its nex t report about situation with freedom of press in the Republic of Azerbaijan in a period of presidential elections of 2003 and the period after. “Azerbaijani government should act now to stop the deterioration of press freedom underway since the October presidential elections”, Human Rights Watch said in its 18 pages of report yesterday. (05 August 2004)

August 5, 2004

Azerbaijan: Press Freedom Undermined, reads HRW report

– Azerbaijani government should act now to stop the deterioration of press freedom underway since the October presidential elections, said Human Rights Watch in a 18 pages report presented yesterday. (05-AUG-2004)

August 3, 2004

War on Education? (02-AUG-04)

Belarusian authorities took a number of repressive steps against uncontrolled educational and cultural activity in the Republic of Belarus – liquidation of European Humanities University and deportation of British professor Alan Flowers.