

October 27, 2004

More imprisonments in Belarus

The 25 th of October five  persons were detained for participation in the demonstration against the falsification of the Parliamentary election and the referendum in Kastrychnitskaya Square. (26-10-04)

October 26, 2004

New Imprisonments in Belarus

The 25th of October five persons were detained for participation in the demonstration against the falsification of the Parliamentary election and the referendum in Kastrychnitskaya Square. (26-OCT-04) 

October 26, 2004

Rights groups worldwide should be given greater organizing leeway, UN told

Human rights groups should find it simple to become legal entities, uncomplicated to appeal government rejection, easy to raise money, not difficult to take part in a wide range of protest activities, so long as their actions are transparent, a United Nations human rights expert says. (26-OCT-04)

October 25, 2004

Azerbaijani opposition leaders sentenced to long prison terms

Though the Council of Europe´s (CoE) most recent resolution stipulated that seven key opposition party leaders would be released, the Azerbaijani government ignored the CoE resolution and sentenced the seven to long prison terms. Disappointingly, CoE kept silent. (25-OCT-04)

October 25, 2004

Azerbaijani activists concerned about violations in Belarus

Azerbaijani human rights defenders have published a statement where they express their “deepest concern at acts of violence, harassment and procedural irregularities that characterized the latest referendum poll in the Republic of Belarus, resulting in the allowing the President Alexander Lukashenko to run for a third term in office and to remain as Europe’s last true dictator.” (25-OCT-04)

October 25, 2004

FIDH wants stronger EU Guidelines

– To strengthen the EU guidelines on human rights defenders, the Council Secretariat should identify a coordinator responsible for a permanent follow up between the COHOM sessions, said Alexa LeBlanc from FIDH, who spoke at the HRH Anniversary Conference in Oslo 14 October. She also said temporary visas should be granted to human rights defenders at grave risks. (25-OCT-04) 

October 25, 2004

Implementation of the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders

– It is way too early to establish what difference the EU guidelines on human rights defenders are going to make. But it is not going to be yet another piece of paper in a filing cabinet, said the Netherlands Ambassador Erik Ader at the HRH Anniversary Conference 14 October. He said the EU will make handbooks to Embassies on how to support human rights defenders. (25-OCT-04) 

October 25, 2004

Chechnya: Security of defenders deteriorated

The security for defenders in Chechnya has deteriorated in 2003 and 2004, according to a new report from the International Helsinki Federation that was presented by Aage Borchgrevink at the HRH Anniversary Conference 13 October. (22-OCT-04)

October 25, 2004

Belarusian Police Torture Detainees

Police violence, last seen on the 19th of October, has a long history in the Republic of Belarus. In 1996 the first violent beatings and detentions of opposition activists during Lukashenka´s rule took place. Since then, thousands of people have faced beatings, fines and imprisonments, according to registrys of Belarusian human rights organizations. (25-OCT-04)