No hope for dialogue with Mugabe, says opposition leader
-There´s no hope for an open dialogue with President Robert Mugabe, said Morgan Tsvangirai, Leader of ´Movement for Democratic Change´ (MDC), yesterday. Mr Tsvangirai leads the most important opposition party in Zimbabwe and visited the Human Rights house in Oslo yesterday as part of a tour of Northern Europe to inform both state and civil society authorities about the situation in a country that used to be the beacon of hope for Africa. (18-NOV-04)
Azerbaijan: RSF concerned on closure of opposition’s daily Musavat
(RSF/IFEX) – Reporters sans frontieres (RSF) has condemned the Azerbaijani authorities´ freezing of the assets of “Yeni Musavat”, the country´s main opposition daily, on 16 November 2004. The move has forced the paper to cease publishing. The decision was taken on the grounds that the newspaper failed to pay fines and damagestotalling some 125 000 euros .(18-NOV-04)
Controversies around Equality March in Poznan
On 17-21 November, the Days of Equality and Tolerance are held in Poznan. The culminating point of the event is going to be the Equality March planned for 20 November. The City Mayor issued the permit to organise the march, however, the right wing local government activists are protesting, claiming that the march is an “endorsement of homosexuality”. (17-11-04)
Srdjan Dizdarevic new Vice President of the International Helsinki Federation
The regular Annual General Meeting of the International Helsinki Federation, held in Moscow on 11-14 November, has elected the new management of the International Helsinki Federation for the next two years. The new President is Ulrich Fischer from Germany, a longstanding expert in human rights, who was a member of and later worked for the German Bundestag, and Vice President is Srdjan Dizdarevic, the founder and President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina and President of the Managing Board of the Human Rights House of Sarajevo. (17-NOV-04)
Controversies around Equality March in Poznan
On 17-21 November, the Days of Equality and Tolerance are held in Poznan. The culminating point of the event is going to be the Equality March planned for 20 November. The City Mayor issued the permit to organise the march, however, the right wing local government activists are protesting, claiming that the march is an “endorsement of homosexuality”. (17-11-04)
IHF Appeal to EU: – Impunity in Chechnya
– The second phase of the armed conflict in the Chechen Republic, defined by the Russian Federation as a “counter-terrorist operation” has lasted five years. Civilians represent the primary victims of this conflict, and blatant violations of human rights and humanitarian law have been pervasive. The climate of impunity dominates the situation in and around the Chechen Republic, reads an appeal from the International Helsinki Federation to the EU. (17-NOV-04)
Human Rights Activists Prepare Report on Tortures in Belarus
Human Rights Center “Viasna” has already prepared “Preliminary monitoring on facts of tortures and other inhumane treatment of citizens of Belarus”, based on the principles of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The English version of the report will be soon available at the “Viasna” site: (16-NOV-04)
Hungering Pensioner Is Hospitalized
The 67-year-old pensioner from Vawkavysk Valiantsina Saldatava keeps hungering for the 19th day already. That’s how she protests against the falsification of the results of the election, persecution of the independent Mestnaya Gazeta and the inaction of the authorities in solution of the housing problems.
Azerbaijan: ARTICLE 19 criticises law on Public Broadcasting
ARTICLE 19, the London-based Global Campaign for Freedom of Expression, calls upon the Azerbaijani authorities to ensure that its implementation of the Law on Public broadcasting adopted November 5 2004 is “in line with both global standards and Azerbaijan´s international obligations” including accessibility to all citizens, diversity of programmes and themes, as well as editorial and operational independence. (15 NOV 2004)