Isolation of Belarus is not a strategic policy
An open Republic of Belarus is a threat to President Lukashenko´s dictatorship. Sanctions and isolation will strengthen the status quo, said representatives from the Belarusian opposition when they visited the Human Rights House in Oslo the 18th of November in a conference organised by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and NUPI, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. (22-NOV-04).
TURAN AGENCY: On the 18th of November the Court of appeal considering the case of 7 opposition leaders, accused for participation in 15-16 October events, concluded the work. However, the entire prognosis failed again when the court left the sentence of 7 opposition leaders in force.(21-NOV-04)
Isolation of Belarus is not a strategic policy
An open dialogue with Republic of Belarus is a threat to President Lukashenko´s dictatorship. Sanctions and isolation will strengthen the status quo, said representatives of the Belarusian opposition when they visited the Human Rights House in Oslo 18 November in a conference organised by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and NUPI, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (22-NOV-04)
Belarus elections: -A farce with a foregone conclusion
The recent elections in the Republic of Belarus bring memories of the Stalin era back to mind, said Berit Lindeman of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee during a post-election seminar hosted by her own organisation on human rights and democracy in the Republic of Belarus last week. Her conclusion is that the recent events that came and went under the name of ´elections´ do not deserve to be called so. (22-NOV-04)
Belarus elections: -A farce with a foregone conclusion
The recent elections in the Republic of Belarus bring memories of the Stalin era back to mind, said Berit Lindeman of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee during a post-election seminar hosted by her own organisation on human rights and democracy in the Republic of Belarus last week. Her conclusion is that the recent events that came and went under the name of ´elections´ do not deserve to be called so. (22-NOV-04)
African leaders promise peace
On Saturday, 15 African leaders signed the so-called Dar-es-Salaam declaration committing them to contribute to create and maintain peace in the Great Lakes region, one of the most wartorn parts of the world. (22-NOV-04)
Isolation of Belarus is not a strategic policy
An open dialogue with Republic of Belarus is a threat to President Lukashenko´s dictatorship. Sanctions and isolation will strengthen the status quo, said representatives of the Belarusian opposition when they visited the Human Rights House in Oslo 18 November in a conference organised by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and NUPI, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (22-NOV-04)
Guinea, West Africa: Newspaper closed by authorities
Reporters sans Frontières (RSF), has condemned the closure of Le Quotidien, Guinea´s only privately-owned daily, on 13 November 2004. (22-NOV-04)
Moroccan authorities pursued to hand back passport to Sidi Mohammed Daddach
Human rights activists in Western Sahara have launched a campaign to pursue Moroccan authorities to hand back Sidi Mohammed Daddach, which is the 2002 Rafto laureate, his passport. The campaign has been initiated be a newly established human rights organisation in Western Sahara. The organisation is led by a former prisoner of conscious, Ali Salem Tamek, whom was handed back his passport two weeks ago after Saharawien demonstration in the Southern Moroccan city of Assa. (21-NOV-2004)