Urgent: Colombian defender under threat
The Colombian human rights defender and journalist Claudia Duque has been the victim of various acts of harassment and intimidation during recent months. According to Front Line, the latest phone call threatened to burn her daughter alive. An urgent action has been issued by Front Line. (01-DEC-04)
China Sentences 50 to Death in ‘War on Terror’
According to RFA Uyghur service, Authorities in China´s northwestern Muslim region of Xinjiang have sentenced more than 50 people to death this year in what government officials say is a war on terrorism.”Due to the fact that the activities of international terrorist forces are rampant, we believe our fight against the crime of violent terrorists will continue for a long time to come,” Xinjiang Communist Party leader Wang Lequan told reporters visiting the region. (30-NOV-04)
European Civic Commission to monitor Turkish compliance with EU accession criteria
A European Civic Commission will be established in order to monitor Turkish compliance with the EU accession criteria. This is a concrete result from the European Parliament Conference on The EU, Republic of Turkey and the Kurds, hosted by Rafto Foundation (Norway), Kurdish Human Rights Project (UK) and Medico International (Germany) The conference´s findings will be published and presented to the European Commission. In December 2004, the European Union (EU) will decide if Republic of Turkey is to be granted a specific date to begin accession talks. (30-NOV-04)
Less rights for persons with dissabilities?
The Croatian Government has refused to accept Declaration on Rights of Persons with Dissabilities. Arguing this decision Government finds it unneccesary to accept the document that has no executive force and contains the same rights Republic of Croatia allready guaranteed by signing international conventions related to this problem. (30-NOV-04)
Nobody need peace in Chechnya
Peace initiative of the Russian Soldier´s Mothers Committee have been ruined under the pressure of authorities. (30-NOV-04)
Statement on defenders in Norwegian language
The statement with recommendations to governments on how to support and protect human rights defenders is now available in Norwegian language. The statement was adopted at the Human Rights House Network conference in Oslo 13-14 October, titled “Activists under attack. Defending the right to be a human rights defender.” Read more about the conference and the speeches
UNHCHR Louise Arbour visits Oslo
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, will visit the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo on Friday. The High Commissioner will meet the NGO Forum and talk about transitional justice and protection of human rights. (30-NOV-04)
PEN: Focus on Belarus and Tunisia
Norwegian PEN plans fact-finding mission to Republic of Belarus and roundtable on freedom of expression in Tunisia in 2005.(30-NOV-04)
European Civic Commission to monitor Turkish compliance with EU accession criteria
A European Civic Commission will be established in order to monitor Turkish compliance with the EU accession criteria. This is a concrete result from the European Parliament Conference on The EU, Republic of Turkey and the Kurds, hosted by Rafto Foundation (Norway), Kurdish Human Rights Project (UK) and Medico International (Germany) The conference´s findings will be published and presented to the European Commission. In December 2004, the European Union (EU) will decide if Republic of Turkey is to be granted a specific date to begin accession talks. (30-NOV-04)