Polish observers in the Ukraine
On 26 December about three thousand Polish observers, sent by the OSCE and ENEMO, the student organisation Free Ukraine, the political parties Law and Justice and the Freedom Union, monitored the repeat second round of the presidential election in the Ukraine. (30-DEC-04)
ISHHR Statement – the Tsunami tragedy
– It is with great shock, deep sorrow and almost with a feeling that “this cannot be possible”, that we are witnessing the Tsunami tragedy, said Secretary General Nora Sveaass of the International Society of Health and Human Rights (ISHHR) about the horrific tragedy in South Asia. (30-DEC-04)
Thousands of Russian Women Victims of Domestic Violence, UN Urges Action
Thousands of Russian women are killed or injured every year in domestic violence, a United Nations expert has said in an appeal urging the Russian government to prioritize women´s rights. (29-DEC-04)
” The alternative Nobel Prize ” has been awarded to Memorial
On December 9, in the building of the Swedish parliaent the cermony of rewarding the premium for the “Rights Livelihood Award” 2004 has passed. There were three members of the International Society “Memorial” among the winners. (23-DEC-04)
Ukraine in new era
West-leaning opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko took an landslide victory on Monday in Ukraine´s re-run presidential election. With about 97 percent of Sunday´s ballot counted, election officials said Yushchenko had a statistically unbeatable lead, with almost 53 percent against just under 44 percent for Moscow-backed Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, whose campaign manager said there had been three million illicit votes and did not rule out legal challenges that could delay a final official result for days, reports HRH project coordinator Vugar Gojayev from Donetsk. (27-DEC-2004)
Falcification in municipal election- identical lists
Human Rights Center “Against Violence” (AVHRC) has monitored the pre-election, Election Day and post- Election situation on municipalities in the Republic of Azerbaijan and reports about more irregularities (23-DEC-04).
Politically motivated trial against Mikhail Marynich
Minsk, Vienna : The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee believe that criminal charges against leading opposition politician and public figure Mikhail Marynich are politically motivated (27-DEC-04).
Criminal charges against opposition leader in Belarus
Minsk, Vienna: The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee believe that criminal charges against leading opposition politician and public figure Mikhail Marynich, are politically motivated. (27-DEC-04).
Yushchenko appears to win Ukraine Election
With 98 percent of the votes from the Sunday election counted Mr. Yushchenko was leading Prime Minister Viktor F. Yanukovich by 52,4 percent to 43,8 percent according to the Central Election Commission. 77,2 percent of the Ukrainian people participated in the re-election yesterday. (27-DEC-04).