

January 12, 2005

Azerbaijan allocates $1 Million for Tsunami Victims

The government of Republic of Azerbaijan has allocated one million dollars for the countries of South East Asia, hit by devastating tsunamis on December 26, the government press service reported on Wednesday. (12-JAN-2005)

January 12, 2005

Report on the state of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2004

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina published the Report on the state of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Analysis for the period January – December 2004).

January 11, 2005

Belarusian People’s Front Deprived of Office in Hrodna

The housing authorities of the city of Hrodna has ordered the Belarusian People?s Front to leave their office, according to the Human Rights Center VIASNA. The head of Hrodna BPF organization Mikola Voran believes that the future existence of the organization is threatened. (11-JAN-05)

January 10, 2005

People arrested for wearing orange in Minsk

18 opposition activists, mainly youths, were detained in Minsk on the evening of December 28 for participation in solidarity action with the democratic forces of Ukraine after their leader Viktor Yushchenko’s victory in Ukraine`s presidential election, reports Charter97`. (10-JAN-05)

January 8, 2005

The new HFHR programme – Courtwatch

A new HFHR programme COURTWATCH was launched at the end of 2004. 100 people already participate in this programme and they include appropriately trained graduates of the School on Human Rights, as well as students, who cooperate with the HFHR. They observe the functioning of courts, especially the access to courts, the working habits of courts and judges, as well as the courts’ “friendliness”. (08-JAN-05)

January 7, 2005

SF report: “No independent media in Azerbaijan”

The famous international organization for freedom   of media “REPORTERS SANS FRONTIERS” has released the 2004-report on media situation in the world. The report, which is called The deadliest year for a decade: 53 journalist killed, reads that at least 53 journalists were killed in 2004 while doing their job or for   expressing their opinions, the highest annual toll since 1995. (7-JAN-2005)

January 7, 2005

Azerbaijan: Major opposition newspaper closed down

The “Yeni Musavat” newspaper, a publication of the leading opposition Musavat Party of Republic of Azerbaijan, has been closed down due to financial constraints. Its last issue was published on December 31 on account of funds of the editorial office. Under court rulings issued in March 2004, the funds of the “Yeni Musavat” held in press distribution companies were arrested. (07-JAN-2005)

January 6, 2005

Azerbaijan: Major opposition newspaper closed down

The “Yeni Musavat” newspaper, a publication of the leading opposition Musavat Party of Republic of Azerbaijan, has been closed down due to financial constraints. Its last issue was published on December 31 on account of funds of the editorial office. Under court rulings issued in March 2004, the funds of the “Yeni Musavat” held in press distribution companies were arrested. (07-JAN-2005)

January 6, 2005

RSF report: “No independent media in Azerbaijan”

The famous international organization for freedom   of media “REPORTERS SANS FRONTIERS” has released the 2004-report on media situation in the world. The report, which is called The deadliest year for a decade: 53 journalist killed, reads that at least 53 journalists were killed in 2004 while doing their job or for   expressing their opinions, the highest annual toll since 1995. (7-JAN-2005)