

January 18, 2005

Rwanda: One million may face genocide charges

An estimated one million Rwandans, an eighth of the population, are expected to be tried in traditional “gacaca” village courts for alleged participation in the 1994 genocide. Domitilla Mukantaganzwa, Executive Secretary of the National Service of Gacaca Jurisdictions, said that trials in some areas might start next month, with proceedings beginning in the rest of the country in 2006. (18-JAN-05)

January 17, 2005

Banned author speaks out

British playwright Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti has broken her silence to speak about the violent protests against her play Behzti, which caused outrage for its depiction of rape and murder in a Sikh temple. Index on Censorship reports (17-JAN-05)

January 17, 2005

Democratic elections still with irregularities

Except of some previous irregularities occuring again, second round of the presidential elections, held on January 16th, was conducted in a democratic atmosphere according to the electional law. Although GONG?s preliminary overall assesment of the second round of the elections is positive, irregularities with the voters lists and serious violations of electional silence were registered again. (JAN-17-05)

January 17, 2005

Benin: 2005 a landmark in the fight against FGM

INTACT (International Action Against Female Genital Mutilation), a German group active in Benin and other African countries, has declared that 2005 will be a year in which past successes in the fight against mutilation are celebrated and efforts to eradicate it will continue with renewed vigour. (17-JAN-05)

January 16, 2005

Authorities fear ‘insults’

Hrodna Prosecutor’s Office officially warned the head of Minsk Regional organization of United Civil Party Maryna Bahdanovich. The reason was her radio speech as a candidate to the Parliament at Hrodna regional radio, in which the prosecutor´s office allegedly found insults to Aliaksandr Lukashenka. (16-JAN-2005)

January 16, 2005

Journalist Is Tried for Disrespect to Court

On 2 December Homel Chyhunachny Borough Court started the open trial about which the correspondent of Narodnaya Volia newspaper Iryna Makavetskaya wanted to report. In the beginning of the trial the head of the court Tatsiana Adrybets ordered Makavetskaya to leave the court hall. The journalist refused to do it. Then Adrybets called the police who took Makavetskaya to Homel Chyhunachny Borough Board of Internal Affairs and composed a protocol of violation of article 166 of the Code of Administrative Violations (disrespect to court, up to 15 days of jail as punishment). At present, Makavetskaya is tried.  (16-JAN-2005)

January 14, 2005

The Human Rights School – already for the 24th time!

The first session of the XXIV Human Rights School, organized by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, took place on 7-9 January. Its participants represent various environments, including teachers, police officers, civil workers, clerics, non-government organization activists. There are still 8 sessions ahead of them and an examination in June. (14-JAN-05)

January 14, 2005

HRW criticises Azerbaijani government

Human Rights Watch published its next annual report on the situation in the world in 2004. The report contains serious critics towards the Azerbaijani government which has “a long-standing record of pressuring civil society groups and arbitrarily limiting critical   expression and political activism”. It has done so with a new intensity   following the October 2003 presidential elections, which international and   domestic observers said were marred by widespread fraud, reads the report. (14-JAN-2005)

January 14, 2005

Iran: Shirin Ebadi summoned to court

-I have received a summons from a revolutionary court, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate for 2003 Shirin Ebadi informed her international contacts yesterday. -The summons only says I will have to report before the court within three days. If not, I will be arrested. It does not say why I have to appear, but in any case, I will not do so until the very last minute, i.e. on Sunday. (14-JAN-05)