

February 11, 2005

Optimism in Ukraine

Representatives of the Ukrainian newborn democracy expressed optimism at a seminar hosted by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs this morning. (10-FEB-05)

February 11, 2005

Azerbaijan: New regional Resource Centre opended by APWR.

“I am sure the newly opened Resource Center in Goychay district will serve as a contribution to enhance the respect for human rights in the region in general and the development of civil society specifically and the promotion of democracy. Hopefully, the local NGOs in Goychay could benefit from establishment of the Resource Center” says Novella Jafaroglu Appelbaum, Marshall Prize winner and the director of the Association for the Protection of Women’s Rights after D. Aliyeva (APWR) (10-FEB-2005).

February 11, 2005

Azerbaijan: Seven people died of torture in 2004, says ACAT

“People addressing to our Committee are mostly those who suffered and have been terribly tortured by police. The tortures are so terrible that everybody will confess in any crime even though  he has never committed it. All people in our country is aware of the fact that if somebody has been in police station they could die as a consequence of tortures; nobody will be punished for this”, says Elchin Behbudov, chairman of Republic of Azerbaijan Committee Against Tortures (ACAT). (9-FEB-2005)

February 11, 2005

Croatia: Journalists wiretapped

The special working group of the Parliamentary Committee for Internal Affairs and National Security is opening an investigation today over Croatian Counter Intelligence service (CIS). The principal cause for the investigation is the recent public address of five journalists who were the subject of secret treatment of the CIS during 2003 and 2004, under the allegation that they have deliberately published wrong information about Hague fugitive general Gotovina in order to obstruct Republic of Croatia to enter the European Union. (11-FEB-05)

February 11, 2005

Azerbaijan: AVHRC fights against election fraud

“The disputed presidential elections of October 2003 and rigged municipal elections of 2005 in the Republic of Azerbaijan proved that the local NGOs should work dynamically and actively with the general public, particularly with those living in remote areas. For the reason that these people are lack of the awareness on basic electoral rights and other fundamental civil rights”, says Fuad Hasanov, the director of the “Against Violence” Human Rights Centre (AVHRC). (10-FEB-2005)

February 11, 2005

Iraq’s elections: the world’s most dangerous assignment

The Iraqi media entered the start of the election campaign period on 15 December working on what media rights groups had already dubbed the world”s most dangerous assignment. Nearly 40 journalists and media workers, most of them Iraqis, were killed in the line of duty in 2004. (10-FEB-05).

February 11, 2005

Azerbaijan: Activists pleased with OSCE/ODHR report

I think all the items of the OSCE report are true to the facts.” the human rights activist Murad Sadaddinov   commented on the provisions of the OSCE report on people convicted for involvement into disturbances, which happened just aftermath the disputed presidential elections of October 2003. Leyla Yunus, Director of Institute of Peace and Democracy, said that OSCE recommendations to the Azerbaijani authorities to pay compensations to the suffered people must be immediately carried out. (9-FEB-2005)

February 10, 2005

Iraq’s elections: the world’s most dangerous assignment

Amid threats to personal safety, accusations of disloyalty, and mixed messages from the US authorities, Iraqi journalists and media workers reported widely on the 30 January election.  How did they manage? Index on Censorship´s Rohan Jayasekera reports. (10-FEB-05)

February 10, 2005

Azerbaijan: APWR opens Resource Center on human rights

“I am sure the newly opened Resource Center in Goychay district will serve as a contribution to enhance the respect for human rights in the region in general and the development of civil society specifically and the promotion of democracy. Hopefully, the local NGOs in Goychay could benefit from establishment of the Resource Center” says Novella Jafaroglu Appelbaum, Marshall Prize winner and the director of the Association for the Protection of Women’s Rights after D. Aliyeva (APWR). The APWR, which has the largest network throughout the country and great experience in setting up resource centers, targets to open several new Resource Centers on human rights in remote parts of Republic of Azerbaijan during the year. (10-FEB-2005)