

June 11, 2005

Children’s rights in Russia

The number of homeless children and orphans in the Russian Federation reached 700 thousand by the end of 2002 (according to Russian Children’s Fund). This number is comparable to the number of orphans following the Second World War. (11-JUNE-05)

June 10, 2005

Uzbekistan: Human rights defenders targeted after massacre

In the wake of the joint Human Rights House Foundation and Norwegian Helsinki Committee demonstrations a couple of weeks ago against the massacres in Andijan, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee is preparing a fact-finding mission to learn more about what really happened, and the context in which this ought best to be understood. Now, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has broken the news that human rights defenders are being particularly targeted. Read HRW?s full story below. (10-JUNE-05)

June 10, 2005

Hina Jilani about HRH: – Practical and much needed support

-I have been extremely impressed by the work of the Human Rights House Network. Contributions by the Network to the establishment of ‘human rights houses’ provides very practical and much needed support to individual human rights defender organisations and also to networks of defenders, says Hina Jilani, UN Special Representative to the Secretary General on the situation of human rights defenders in a letter of endorsement. (10-JUNE-05)

June 9, 2005

If Museveni stays on, forget the peace process in the north

-Museveni is not interested in peace. For as long as he´s in power, there is little hope of having a real, genuine peace process between the government and the rebels in Northern Republic of Uganda. Our wsh is that the international donor-diplomacy community could speak out louder about this, said Jessica B. Nkuuhe of Isis-WICCE to a packed auditorium at the Norwegian Human Rights House recently. (9-JUNE-05)

June 9, 2005

-If Museveni stays on, forget about the peace in the north of Uganda

-Museveni is not interested in peace. For as long as he´s in power, there is little hope of having a real, genuine peace process between the government and the rebels in Northern Republic of Uganda. Our wsh is that the international donor-diplomacy community could speak out louder about this, said Jessica B. Nkuuhe of Isis-WICCE to a packed auditorium at the Norwegian Human Rights House recently. (9-JUNE-05)

June 8, 2005

Declaration on Srebrenica

Eight Serbian NGO`s made the draft of a Declaration on Srebrenica and put forth to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. They also called Serbian Authorities to adopt the Declaration, and to join the democratic world that will evoke the memory of Srebrenica crime so as to manifest that it has made up its mind that the history of mankind would never again witness such horror of organized and massive murder of people just because of their identity. (08-JUN-05)

June 8, 2005

Declaration on Srebrenica

Eight Serbian NGO`s made the draft of a Declaration on Srebrenica and put forth to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. They also called Serbian Authorities to adopt the Declaration, and to join the democratic world that will evoke the memory of Srebrenica crime so as to manifest that it has made up its mind that the history of mankind would never again witness such horror of organized and massive murder of people just because of their identity. (08-JUN-05)

June 6, 2005

Minsk: The independent weekly “Den” harassed

Minsk: On 26 May 2005, police seized all the copies of the independent
weekly “Den” when it made a new attempt to publish. The paper has been off newsstands for one year according to Reporters Sanse Frontiers (RSF)(06-JUNE-05).

June 4, 2005

Polish NGO’s as “amicus curiae” in the ECHR in Strasbourg!

On Thursday June 2nd, two Polish non-government organizations – the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Polish Federation for Woman and Family Planning approached the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) with a motion to participate as “amicus curiae” in the case of Alicja T. versus Republic of Poland. (04-JUNE-05)