

June 29, 2005

Publisher of Den newspaper can’t change its juridical address

The registration and licensing department of Minsk City Executive Committee refused to register the changes made to the registration documents of the Dzienpres company that publishes the newspaper Den. The changes concern the new legal address that has been provided by the House of Republic of Poland in Minsk.

June 27, 2005

Russian NGOs are being oppressed by authorities

The Ministry of Justice slowed down the activity of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society and its partner organization Nizhniy Novgorod Human Rights Society. Russian NGOs are always being watched by Russian authorities, in particular those who criticize the government. Russian authorities try to find any reason to close those organizations that have their own opinion, because they see them as a threat. (27-JUNE-05)

June 24, 2005

The new ECRI report on Poland!

On 14 June, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published its third report on Republic of Poland. The report covers the situation in the Republic of Poland between the year 2000 and 17 December 2004. (24-JUNE-05)

June 23, 2005

Declaration on Srebrenica didn’t adopted yet

Serbian Authorities didn’t adopted the Declaration on Srebrenica which is made by eight Serbian NGO`s. Members the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia refused to adopt the Declaration if it’s not include the other crimes wich had happened during the war in nineteen’s, and especially crimes against Serbs in the Republic of Croatia. (23-JUN-05)

June 22, 2005

Azerbaijan: OSCE to deploy over 500 Observers in parliamentary elections

OSCE ODIHR has released the report on the findings of the Needs Assessment Mission (NAM). The mission visited Republic of Azerbaijan from June 5 to 10 with the purpose to assess problems, which need urgent solution, to strengthen public confidence in elections and fulfillment of obligations by Republic of Azerbaijan to OSCE. The NAM held meetings in Baku with representatives of the authorities, election administration, political parties, civil society, media and international community.(22-Jun-2005)

June 22, 2005

Colombia: Over 7000 registered “disappearances”

More than 7000 “disappeared” persons have been registered by the Association of the Families of the Detained and Disappeared (ASFADDES) in Colombia. For the families there is no closure. (22-JUNE-05)

June 21, 2005

-We are prisoners of our own country

As part of the marking of Aung San Suu Kyi’s 60th birthday outside the Norwegian Parliament last Sunday, Kaythi, a Burmese human rights activist presented the following appeal. -Please use your liberty to promote ours, begged Kaythi, on behalf not only of the 1400 known political prisoners in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar), but rather for the entire population. (21-JUNE-05)

June 21, 2005

Here’s how a Human Rights House works

During his recent visit to the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo, Dalai Lama (right) willingly signed one of the thousands of post cards these days being sent to Aung San Suu Kyi, on the occasion of her 60th birthday 19 June. If the Norwegian Tibet Committe and the Norwegian Burma Committe had not been in the same house, Dalai Lama´s spontaneous, but hugely important act of solidarity most probably wouldn´t have happened, says HRH´s Niels Jacob Harbitz. (21-JUNE-05)

June 21, 2005

-The wish for democracy can no longer be silenced

On Tuesday 14 June, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dalai Lama visited the Norwegian Human Rights House. -The wish for democracy among the Chinese people has grown so strong that it can no longer be silenced, said the Buddhist, who himself is the best example of just that. (15-JUNE-05)