

July 25, 2005

Religious hatred law threatens free expression

By passing an act to outlaw incitement to religious hatred, the British government will create a quasi-legal forum for extremists ready to use one law while breaking others – to silence critics of their faith and punish apostates. Index on Censorship’s Rohan Jayasekera comments (22-JULY-05).

July 24, 2005

Rights of Asylum Seekers in Bosnia and Herzegovina Insufficiently Respected

As part of its regular monitoring of the situation in the field of human rights, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has produced the Analysis of the Status of Asylum Seekers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Aliens, particularly asylum seekers, are included in the vulnerable categories of population and their rights are violated more frequently than rights of other citizens. (25-JULY-05)

July 23, 2005

Religious hatred law threatens free expression

By passing an act to outlaw incitement to religious hatred, the British government will create a quasi-legal forum for extremists ready to use one law while breaking others – to silence critics of their faith and punish apostates. Index on Censorship´s Rohan Jayasekera comments (22-JULY-05).

July 22, 2005

The new Polish Ombudsman has not been appointed

On Friday, 22 July 2005, The Polish Senate refused to give its consent for the nomination of Prof. Andrzej Rzepliñski for the post of Ombudsman. This means that the former Ombudsman – Prof. Andrzej Zoll – will continue to serve this function until the new Parliament, which will be chosen during the October elections, makes the decision to appoint a new Ombudsman. (22-JULY-05)

July 22, 2005

Police break up demo as new draft is tabled in parliament

Nairobi: Dozens of demonstrators were dispersed by riot police yesterday as the contentious new draft Constitution was finally adopted by Parliament. (21-JULY-05).

July 22, 2005

European Court rejected Russian Government’s appeal in first Chechen case

Five European Court judges of Human Rights rejected a request of the Russian Government to refer three judgments to the Grand Chamber of the Court. (16-JULY-2005)

July 22, 2005

Belarus: Vasilieu is amnestied, Lievanieuski stays in jail

In September 2004 Valiery Lievanieuski, chair of the Nationwide Strike Committee of Businessmen, and his deputy Aliaksandr Vasilieu were found guilty of insulting Belarus’ President Aliaksandr Lukashenka and sentenced to two years of colony. Recently the authorities have amnestied Vasilieu. However, Lievanieuski (right) wasn´t granted parole. (07-JULY-05).

July 22, 2005

Rafto Foundation deported from Western Sahara

Mr. Arne L. Lynngaard, leader of the Rafto Foundation, was deported from Western Sahara last night together with four other Norwegians. The Norwegian delegation is urging Norwegian authorities to respond to the deportation, and to the arrest of Saharawi human rights activist. (6-JULY-2005)

July 22, 2005

Tensions shortly before designation of genocide in Srebrenica

The 5th of July  the police of Republika Srpska found 35 kg of explosiveclose to the Memorial centre in Potocari – Srebrenica. Until now, no one is suspected for this crime. Public in Bosnia and Herzegovina disturbed with this development few days before the designation of 10 years of genocide in Srebrenica (06-JULY-05).