

August 26, 2005

HRH receives ED of Northern Ugandan child care organisation

Last week, HRH met Mrs Winnie Okidi, Executive Director of the Gulu based organisation War Affected Children Rehabilitation Organisation (WACRO). Okidi was in Norway on a combined information and fundraising visit and had met with a number of other Norwegian NGOs working in Norway as well, and also with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (26-AUG-05)

August 25, 2005

Protests against harassment of Polish journalists in Belarus

In a letter to Belarus´ President Lukashenko sent today, the Norwegian Union of Journalists (NJ), the Human Rights House Foundation (HRH) and Norwegian PEN express grave concern over recent crackdown on free expression in general, and the harassment of Polish-speaking journalists in the Republic of Belarus. (25-AUG-05)

August 24, 2005

UK editor faces charges of racial incitement

A Scots local newspaper editor is facing charges of incitement to racial hatred after he published an editorial opposing a proposed refugee centre in the north-east of Scotland. Index on Censorship reports (22-AUG-05).

August 23, 2005

Human rights training of our prison staff is needed, says Kurdish Deputy PM

-Our prison staff could do well with some basic human rights training, said Imad Ahmad (right), Deputy Prime Minister of the PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) Administration of one of the two self-determined Kurdish regions within Iraq. Mr. Ahmad visited the Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurdish People (RKR), one of the organisations in the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo last week. (23-AUG-05)

August 23, 2005

-Human rights training of our prison staff needed, says Kurdish Deputy PM

-Our prison staff could do well with some basic human rights training, said Imad Ahmad, Deputy Prime Minister of the PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) Administration of one of the two self-determined Kurdish regions within Iraq. Mr. Ahmad visited the Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurdish People (RKR), one of the organisations in the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo last week. (23-AUG-05)

August 22, 2005

Political animation persecuted criminally

Political animations that feature a person who resembles Aliaxadr Lukashenka caused the authorities to launch criminal proceedings. KGB accuses the authors of insulting the President (which is against the law). (22-AUG-05)

August 19, 2005

Sites attacked in Belarus

Anatol Liabedzka, UCP, and Ludmila Hraznova, a Belarusian Human Rights group, claim their web sites have been attacked by  unidentified hackers. They believe the attack has been masterminded by Belarusian KGB. This is not the first case when opposition web sites have fallen victim to hacker attacks.

August 19, 2005

Poland: Freedom of speech?

Last week, the head of the Campaign Against Homophobia was fined by the court for his statement, which, according to the court, was aimed at offending Catholics. Lawyers have doubts as to the course chosen for making the verdict and the qualification of the offence itself. (12-AUG-05)

August 19, 2005

Rafto Foundation raises money to help maltreated Saharawi

The Rafto Foundation has organized a fundraising campaign to get medical treatment for 20 year old Sidi Elfakraoui. Elfakraoui was thrown out of a window from the 4th floor by Moroccan police, and consequently broke his back, arm and both his legs. (16-AUG-2005)