Several human rights NGOs protest the attempts to silence RCFS
Last week, several human rights NGOs and well-known individual human rights defenders demonstrated against the recent attempts to silence the Nizhny-Novgorod-based NGO Russian-Chechen Friendship Society (RCFS). has received RCFS?s own newsletter report and numerous pictures of the demonstration. read the report and see the pictures below. (10-OCT-05)
10 journalists injured by police in Baku
Tens of activists were arrested and heavily beaten by police Sunday 9th of October. According to TURAN 10 journalists when among the injured. The Norwegian Ambassador Steinar Gil, said to the News Agency AP that the police exaggerated their reaction. (10-OCT-05)
Human Rights NGO Memorial gets prestigious international award
On 5 October Rolf Ekeus, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, declared that the Russian human rights organization “Memorial”, Historical, Educational, Human Rights and Charitable Society, has been awarded the prestigious International Van der Stoel Award. (10-OCT-05)
Human rights activists against law enforcement arbitrariness
On 3 September in Moscow human rights activists from the Movement For Human Rights began protesting against police arbitrariness. They went to the square near the Russian Museum of History with placates reading: ‘We don’t need this type of vertical power, No to police arbitrariness, Criminal responsibility for mass beatings and unconstitutional orders’. (07-OCT-05)
Bosnia and Herzegovina vs. European Union criteria
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized a series of three roundtables and the Conference on the common topic of „What does Bosnia and Herzegovina need to achieve in the field of human rights in order to satisfy the European Union criteria?“. The roundtables were held in Bihac on June 2, Livno on June 16 and Trebinje on June 30, and the Conference was held in Sarajevo on October 4 and 5. (07-OCT-05)
Lukashenka Will Combat “Anti-Belarusian” Information Resources
Aliaksandr Lukashenka (right, photo: AP)) is going to protect Belarusian people against anti-Belarusian propaganda. He states that radio broadcasting from abroad forms a negative image of Republic of Belarus. (04-OCT-05)
– Important support, says emerging Human Rights House in Baku
Nine Azeri human rights NGOs work to set up a Human Rights House in the capital Baku to strengthen human rights work. The nine said it was very important for them that the annual meeting of the Human Rights House Network 7-10 September was held in Baku, in the run-up to the elections. (2-OCT-05)
Radovan Stankovic transferred from the ICTY to Sarajevo
Radovan Stankovic (right) was transferred from the ICTY to Sarajevo on September 29, to be tried by the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Stankovic is charged with four counts of crimes against humanity and four counts of violations of the laws or customs of war. He is indicted in connection with crimes committed in 1992-93 after the fall of the Bosnian town of Foca. He is the first ICTY indictee to be transferred to a state in the former Yugoslavia for trial. (02-OCT-05)
Harassment of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society continues
From Oksana Chelysheva, right, the editor of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society (RCFS), has received the below statement, which she recently presented to one of the plenary sessions at the OSCE summit in Warsaw. RCFS is urging both individual human rights activists and their organisations to appeal to Russian authorities to stop the harassment of human rights defenders. (01-OCT-05)