

October 12, 2005

HRH condemns police violence in Baku

In a protest letter to the Azerbaijani president Mr. Ilham Aliyev the Human Rights House Foundation (HRH) condemns the use of violence against opposition and independent journalists in the centre of Baku on the 9th of October. The brutal methods of the police are unacceptable and violates international standards, says HRH. Read the letter below. (11-OCT-05).

October 11, 2005

Sudanese newspapers still under threat despite recent promises

Not one month after Sudan’s president promised his country a free press, two Sudanese Arabic-language dailies had their printing presses shut down without explanation. The move was neither out of character nor unexpected, but it did abruptly end the honeymoon that permeated Sudan?s political arenas throughout much of July. Index on Censorship reports. (11-OCT-05)

October 11, 2005

Tibetans jailed in Nepal, deportation likely

From the Norwegian Tibet Committee, a member of the Norwegian Human Rights House, www.humanrightshouse,org has received the following story, another example of violations of the human rights of Tibetan refugees by Nepalese authorities. As previously reported on this site, the situation for Tibetan refugees in Nepal is getting increasingly difficult. (11-OCT-05)

October 11, 2005

Several human rights NGOs protest the attempts to silence RCFS

Last week, several human rights NGOs and well-known individual human rights defenders demonstrated against the recent attempts to silence the Nizhny-Novgorod-based NGO Russian-Chechen Friendship Society (RCFS). has received RCFS’s own newsletter report and numerous pictures of the demonstration. Read the report and see the pictures below. (10-OCT-05)

October 10, 2005

Several human rights NGOs protest the attempts to silence RCFS

Last week, several human rights NGOs and well-known individual human rights defenders demonstrated against the recent attempts to silence the Nizhny-Novgorod-based NGO Russian-Chechen Friendship Society (RCFS). has received RCFS?s own newsletter report and numerous pictures of the demonstration. read the report and see the pictures below. (10-OCT-05)

October 10, 2005

10 journalists injured by police in Baku

Tens of activists were arrested and heavily beaten by police Sunday 9th of October. According to TURAN 10 journalists when among the injured. The Norwegian Ambassador Steinar Gil, said to the News Agency AP that the police exaggerated their reaction. (10-OCT-05) 

October 9, 2005

Human Rights NGO Memorial gets prestigious international award

On 5 October Rolf Ekeus, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, declared that the Russian human rights organization “Memorial”, Historical, Educational, Human Rights and Charitable Society, has been awarded the prestigious International Van der Stoel Award. (10-OCT-05)

October 7, 2005

Human rights activists against law enforcement arbitrariness

On 3 September in Moscow human rights activists from the Movement For Human Rights began protesting against police arbitrariness. They went to the square near the Russian Museum of History with placates reading: ‘We don’t need this type of vertical power, No to police arbitrariness, Criminal responsibility for mass beatings and unconstitutional orders’. (07-OCT-05)

October 7, 2005

Bosnia and Herzegovina vs. European Union criteria

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized a series of three roundtables and the Conference on the common topic of „What does Bosnia and Herzegovina need to achieve in the field of human rights in order to satisfy the European Union criteria?“. The roundtables were held in Bihac on June 2, Livno on June 16 and Trebinje on June 30, and the Conference was held in Sarajevo on October 4 and 5. (07-OCT-05)