

October 24, 2005

A 60th Anniversary for the UN, a 10th for Aung San Suu Kyi

Today, as the UN celebarates its 60th anniversary, and the world should have been able to mark vast advances in respect for human rights, Aung San Suu Kyi, the moral and political leader of the Burmese opposition, has been held in house arrest for a total of ten years since 1989. Even during her spells of relative freedom, she has suffered severe violations of her rights, including tight restrictions of movement. (24-OCT-05)

October 24, 2005

A 60th anniversary for the UN, a 10th for Aung San Suu Kyi

Today, as the UN celebarates its 60th anniversary, and the world should have been able to mark vast advances in respect for human rights, Aung San Suu Kyi, the moral and political leader of the Burmese opposition, has been held in house arrest for a total of ten years since 1989. Even during her spells of relative freedom, she has suffered severe violations of her rights, including tight restrictions of movement. (24-OCT-05)

October 24, 2005

Refugee Law Project focuses on refugees’ rights to education

The Refugee Law Project, one of the ten organisations involved in the Human Rights House Project in Kampala, is hosting a seminar on 27 October called ´Implementing the Right to Education for Refugees in Uganda´. With the accumulated number of refugees and internally displaced people within Uganda´s borders now in excess of two million people, violations of these people´s rights are also a massive problem. (22-OCT-05)

October 21, 2005

Rasul Guliyev released, but key questions remain unresolved

By verdict of a Ukranian court, Rasul Guliyev was released 20 October. He was detained in Simferopol 17 October on his way to Republic of Azerbaijan, which he left in 1996 for asylum. He was detained through Interpol on the basis of Azerbaijani authorities’ request. On 21 October Guliyev left for London, but he told that he would come to Republic of Azerbaijan before Parliamentary elections (21-OCT-2005).

October 20, 2005

Narodnaya Volya journalist found dead from traumatic brain injury

Two days ago, Vasil Hrodnikau, a correspondent for the independent newspaper Narodnaya Volya was found dead, with serious injuries to his head and brain. The circumstances surrounding his death are under investigation by Belarusian police. -This is the third violent death among independent Belarusian journalists since 2000, Andrej Dynko (right) editor of Nasha Niva, reminded the audience at a seminar at the Human Rights house in Oslo yesterday. (20-OCT-05)

October 20, 2005

Belarusian journalist found dead from traumatic brain injury

Two days ago, Vasil Hrodnikau, a correspondent for the independent newspaper Narodnaya Volya was found dead, with serious injuries to his head and brain. The circumstances surrounding his death are under investigation by Belarusian police. – This is the third violent death among independent Belarusian journalists since 2000, Andrej Dynko (right) editor of Nasha Niva, reminded the audience at a seminar at the Human Rights House in Oslo yesterday. (20-OCT-05)

October 19, 2005

Dramatic in Tunisia

Seven dissidents, among them Lotfi Hajji, the leader of the Independent Union of Journalists, has gone on hunger strike in Tunisia. In a communique, the seven demand the introduction of freedom of assembly, opinion and expression, the media and information. They also request the release of all political prisoners before the opening of the World Summit on the Information Soceity, to take place in Tunisia in less than a month. (19-OCT-05)

October 19, 2005

Harassment and detention of Kadeer’s family and associates

On Monday, the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo hosted a meeting with Rebyia Kadeer (right), the Uighur human rights defender and Rafto Prize Laureate of 2004. In the last six years, Kadeer has experienced a rather unique rise, fall and rise again story, from being a successful and celebrated businesswoman to being imprisoned as an enemy of the state to becoming a world famous human rights defender, speaking up against China´s suppression of her people. (19-OCT-05)

October 18, 2005

Shamil Basaev claims responsibility for the Nalchik raids

During the 13-14 October raids, armed people seized hostages and occupied the administrative buildings of the police, local department of the FSB, local department of internal affairs and other places within the city. The average age of the insurgents was 18-20 years. The exact number of injured and killed people is still being counted. The resonance of the events in Nalchik has divided Russian society (18-OCT-2005)