

November 9, 2005

Azerbaijan’s unfinished election

Ilham Aliev´s (right) ruling party declared victory before the votes were counted, but the opposition can still challenge some of its fraudulent results. The 6 November elections were another missed opportunity for the oil-rich country in the southern Caucasus to demonstrate its commitment to democracy and reform., reports the International Crisis Group’s Caucasus Director Sabine Freizer in Baku. (08-NOV-05)

November 9, 2005

A demonstration of nationalists was held in the streets of Moscow

The nationalist organization “Movement against Illegal Immigration” led a “right march” in Moscow. This demonstration was allowed in spite of the appeal of Russian NGOs to the mayor of Moscow Mr. Luzhkov which had been initiated by Svetlana Gannushkina, the chairwoman of the committee “Civil Assistance”. (read more)  (09-NOV-05)

November 9, 2005

Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan did not meet the international Standards

The Parliamentary Elections, held in Azerbaijan on the 6-th of November 2005, attracted big attention of international community. Hundreds of international and thousands of local observers watched the elections. Among the most respectful reports was the opinion of International Election Observation Mission, which concluded that the elections in Azerbaijan had not met international standards (08-NOV-2005). […]

November 7, 2005

Rafto Laureate: Putins actions in the Chechen Republic comparable to Stalins

Lidia Yusupova (right), Rafto Laureate of 2005, gave strong characteristics to the way the Russian Federation have dealt with the Chechen Republic during the last decade. At the award ceremony on November 6th in Bergen, she challenged the democracies of Western Europe to take a different approach towards the Russian Federation regarding the countries politics in the Chechen Republic. (07-NOV-05)

November 7, 2005

Widespread election falsification in Azerbaijan

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, the Human Rights House Foundation, Human Rights Center Viasna and Human Rights Center of Republic of Azerbaijan deeply regret to note that Azerbaijani elections once again appear to have been grossly manipulated. (07-NOV-05)

November 7, 2005

Rafto Laureate: Putin’s actions in the Chechen Republic comparable to Stalin’s

Lidia Yusupova, right, Rafto Laureate of 2005, gave strong characteristics to the way the Russian Federation have dealt with the Chechen Republic during the last decade. At the award ceremony on November 6th in Bergen, she challenged the democracies of Western Europe to take a different approach towards the Russian Federation regarding the countries politics in the Chechen Republic. (07-NOV-05)

November 7, 2005

Rafto Prize awarded to Lida Yusupova yesterday

The Professor Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize for 2005 was yesterday awarded to the Chechnyan lawyer and human rights advocate Ms Lida Yusupova (right), in recognition of her brave and unrelenting efforts to document human rights violations and act as a spokeswoman for the forgotten victims of the war in the Chechen Republic. (07-NOV-05)

November 7, 2005

Widespread election falsification in Azerbaijan

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, the Human Rights House Foundation, Human Rights Center Viasna and Human Rights Center of Republic of Azerbaijan deeply regret to note that Azerbaijani elections once again appear to have been grossly manipulated. (07-NOV-05)

November 5, 2005

Restrictions of Democratic Freedoms Continue in Azerbaijan

Republic of Azerbaijan is now on the center of attention of international community for the Parliamentary Elections to be held on 6 November. The country authority has received the abundance of recommendations and statements from the international community, encouraging the government to exercise the conditions for the conduct of free and democratic elections in the country. However, despite of certain steps for improvement of the situation, the Azerbaijani reality on the democratic elections leaves much to be desired (05-NOV-2005).