

January 3, 2006

“We will continue our struggle until our education rights are restored”

Activists of youth movements in Azerbaijan continue their hunger strike for the 7-th day in a row. The strikers are demanding the restoration of education rights of two students who were expelled from their universities for their political views. Though the health state of the strikers gets deteriorated there is still no official reaction from the side of officials to the action. The strikers intend to continue the protest action until the restoration of their rights. (03-JAN-2006)

December 29, 2005

Photos of Nick Danziger in Warsaw!

From 15th December there is an opportunity to see at the Dom Kultury Srodmiescie Nick Danziger’s photography exhibition CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE. (29-DEC-05)

December 29, 2005

4th International Advanced Course on Human Rights

The 2nd session of the 4th International Advanced Course on Human Rights, organized by Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, was completed on 10 December. 48 people from countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States participated in the course. (29-DEC-05)

December 29, 2005

4th International Advanced Course on Human Rights in Warsaw

The 2nd session of the 4th International Advanced Course on Human Rights, organized by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, the main organisation of the Human Rights House in Warsaw, Republic of Poland, was completed 10 December. 48 people from countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States participated in the course. (29-DEC-05)

December 28, 2005

Employees of Rebyia Kadeer freed after seven months in prison

Ruzi Mamat and and Aysham Kerim were released on December 14th , and allowed to return home after having been imprisoned since May 11th. Rafto Laureate Rebyia Kadeer had to leave behind several family members and a number of  employees when she was released and allowed to settle in the United States. She said that her guards threatend her; that if she was to associate with Uyghur exiles her children ‘would be finished’. (28-DEC-2005)

December 28, 2005

Employees of Rebyia Kadeer freed after seven months in Chinese prison

Ruzi Mamat and and Aysham Kerim were released on December 14th , and allowed to return home after having been imprisoned since May 11th. Rafto Laureate Rebyia Kadeer had to leave behind several family members and a number of  employees when she was released and allowed to settle in the United States. She said that her guards threatend her; that if she was to associate with Uyghur exiles her children «would be finished». (28-DEC-2005)

December 28, 2005

Without education, hope is slim for the thousands of HIV / Aids orphans

Shortly before Christmas, the HRH Secretariat in Oslo was visited by Pastor Nelson Lufafa, right, the Director of the Jinja-based NGO Save the Aids Orphans (STAO). Established as a CBO in 1997, registered as an NGO in 2001, STAO now supports hundreds of child-headed households in the Ugandan cities Jinja, Kamuli and Iganga. (28-DEC-05)

December 24, 2005

The second reading of the NGO bill

On 21 December 2005 the Russian State Duma by an overwhelming majority has passed the second reading of the project of the federal law # 233364-4 “About the alteration of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”. The deputies included more then sixteen amendments into the first variant of the project. As expected, the deputies allowed all of Vladimir Putin’s recommendations. (Read more) (24-DEC-2005)

December 24, 2005

The second reading of the NGO bill

On 21 December 2005 the Russian State Duma by an overwhelming majority has passed the second reading of the project of the federal law # 233364-4 “About the alteration of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”. The deputies included more then sixteen amendments into the first variant of the project. As expected, the deputies allowed all of Vladimir Putin’s recommendations. (Read more) (24-DEC-2005)