

February 10, 2006

15,275 people still missing

On February 7, The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) published the seventh edition of the Book of Missing Persons on the Territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of its ongoing efforts to tackle one of the most serious humanitarian issues in the country. (10-FEB-06)

February 9, 2006

Belief or science about religion dialogue

Can we take for granted that religious leaders are always good and relevant agents of reconciliation? The knowledge and research about this is strikingly limited. Of acts in good faith, on the other hand, there are plenty, writes Ingrid Vik, right, Executive Director of the Nansen Dialogue Project. (09-FEB-06)

February 9, 2006

-Real danger of a post-election rebellion, says former Monitor editor

-At best, what we will get is a political leadership with a weak support base and an equally limited space in which to act. At worst, we will get an armed rebellion. This is the prediciton of Charles Onyango-Obbo, right, former editor of the Monitor, who was recently HRH´s guest to Norway and spoke at the seminar ´Aid and the troubled democracies of east Africa´ last month. (09-FEB-06)

February 7, 2006

Political trial for words objectionable to authorities

3 February the trial was held of Stanislav Dmitrievski, which human rights activists identify as the obvious politically motivated case. The Soviet Court of Nijny Novgorod sentenced Dmitrievsky to the two-year suspended sentence and four years of “testing period” (with prohibition of changing place of residence and obligation to register oneself periodically in a police office). Stanislav Dmitrievski doesn’t agree with the ruling of the court and he is going to appeal against it. (07-FEB-06)

February 7, 2006

PACE Resolution about Credentials of Azerbaijan Delegation

Strasbourg: The entire democratic process has been undermined, the political dialogue is jeopardised and the newly elected parliament lacks the democratic credentials of the Azeri people, states the resolution of PACE about the cretentials of the new Azeri delegation after the Parliamentary Elections of November 2005.(04-FEB-2006)

February 7, 2006

Human rights defender given suspended sentence

On February 3 the Soviet Court of Nizhny Novgorod sentenced Stanislav Dmitrievsky, right, to a two-year suspended sentence and four years of ‘testing period’ with prohibition of changing place of residence. Dmitrievski doesn’t agree with the ruling of the court and he is going to appeal against it. Human rights activists identify the trial as a politically motivated case. (07-FEB-06)

February 7, 2006

The Polish Parliament has elected a new Ombudsman

Republic of Poland: On 27 January 2006 the Polish Sejm elected Doctor of Law Janusz Kochanowski to the post of Ombudsman. The Sejm’s decision has already been approved by the Senate and the new Ombudsman will take office after being sworn in. (04-FEB-06)

February 6, 2006

Saharawi political prisoners go on 48 hour hunger strike

Human Rights activists and political prisoners in six Moroccan prisons went on a 48 hour long hunger strike on January 31. They do this to protest against the inhumane treatment they are submitted to by the Moroccan penitentiary administration and police. A press release from the activists states that the inmates are subjected to torture and threat of assassination. (06-FEB-06)

February 5, 2006

Final Report of OSCE and ODIHR on Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan

The election body of OSCE and ODIHR issued its final report on the 2005 parliamentary elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Following the November 6 elections the OSCE released a preliminary report in which they stated the elections did not meet international standards. Their final report expands on this idea, highlighting in the shortcomings of the complaints and appeal process both during and after the elections. It also notes the lack of accountability for local government officials who were accused of interfering in the election process. (05-FEB-2006)