

March 10, 2006

Roma’s right

– To exercise the right to a home in this society is equal to an “act of heroism” even for “ordinary” citizens, but particularly for the Roma population. This sometimes borders with the impossible, despite its in fact being a fundamental right, says Branka Inic (right) Lawyer in the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (10-MAR-06)

March 9, 2006

International Women’s Day: history and modern times

Born at a time of great social turbulence and crisis in early 20th century, the International Women’s Day inherited a tradition of protest, political activism and solidarity. The women all over the world celebrate the women’s day on the 8-th of March and focus on their equality and full participation. The theme of International Women´s Day for 2006 is “Women in decision-making: meeting challenges, creating change”. (09-MAR-2006)

March 9, 2006

Severe attack on Azadlig journalist

Three unidentified men abducted a reporter Fikret Huseynli from the Azerbaijani opposition newspaper Azadlig on Sunday night, beating him, breaking some of his fingers, and slashing him. The attack on the journalist was likely related to his work, as he recently received several anonymous telephone threats after writing articles on bribe-taking among senior government officials and criminal activities involving wealthy business people. The Committee to Protect Journalists called the authorities to undertake a through and impartial investigation. (07-MAR-2006)

March 9, 2006

Women status in contemporary Russia

The 6 March a bill against sexual discrimination was discussed in Duma.By tradition there is a tolerant attitude toward violation of equality of men’s and women’s rights in the Russian Federation. It’s one of the reasons of unequal representation of women in the ruling clique and in the highest ranks, of violation of women’s labour rights and spreading of sexual violence. Contrary to the Constitution, state and private undertakings  practice discrimination against women. (09-MAR-06)

March 9, 2006

Freedom of Speech- Belarusian Variant

On the 6th of March Belarusian population had a rare chance to get  to alternative information by listening an appeal of the candidates to the presidential positions on the radio. But republican  radio station illegally cut some parts out of these speeches  while broadcasting oppositional appeal to Belarusian electorate.(09-MARCH-06)

March 9, 2006

Chance for apologize or new beginning?

The women of Bosnia and Herzegovina will, once again, on this 8 March raise their voice and say out loud that they want their human rights. Their position today is extremely difficult and not at all enviable. Women are discriminated against to a great extent in all spheres of life. They will, on this particular date, perhaps get a rose or a gift, instead of an apology. This small manifestation of attention will surely not improve their situation. (08-MAR-06)

March 8, 2006

Quiet Violence: Female Genital Mutilation inside the UK

An estimated three million women and girls undergo female genital mutilation each year, according to a 2005 Unicef report. For many Europeans and Americans, these are three million female victims we should feel sorry for or donate to, or perhaps read a book about a girl who survived this practice thousands of miles away from the FGM-free shores of Europe – but not an issue that seems to effect our neighbors down the street, our fellow citizens across town, or even ourselves. But the reality is closer to home than we think. (08-MAR-06)

March 8, 2006

Norwegian PEN calls for immediate release of Mexican journalist

To mark International Women’s Day on 8 March, Norwegian PEN is focusing, together with other PEN Centres, on the case of Mexican writer and journalist Lydia Cacho, right. Cacho currently faces trial under charges of criminal defamation related to her exposure of the connection between prominent businessmen and a child pornography in her latest book. (08-MAR-06)

March 7, 2006

Call for Serbia to decriminalise defamation

Journalists working in Serbia & Montenegro continue to have their right to free expression violated. Following a United Nations Human Rights Committee ruling on 23 January, ARTICLE 19 has called for the removal of defamation from the criminal law books. The Committee ruled that use of criminal law in the case of Bodrozic versus Serbia & Montenegro supressed valid criticism of public officials and violated the journalist’s right to freedom of expression. The Committee was particularly critical of the use of the criminal ‘insult’ provisions. (07-MAR-06)