

March 8, 2006

Quiet Violence: Female Genital Mutilation inside the UK

An estimated three million women and girls undergo female genital mutilation each year, according to a 2005 Unicef report. For many Europeans and Americans, these are three million female victims we should feel sorry for or donate to, or perhaps read a book about a girl who survived this practice thousands of miles away from the FGM-free shores of Europe – but not an issue that seems to effect our neighbors down the street, our fellow citizens across town, or even ourselves. But the reality is closer to home than we think. (08-MAR-06)

March 8, 2006

Norwegian PEN calls for immediate release of Mexican journalist

To mark International Women’s Day on 8 March, Norwegian PEN is focusing, together with other PEN Centres, on the case of Mexican writer and journalist Lydia Cacho, right. Cacho currently faces trial under charges of criminal defamation related to her exposure of the connection between prominent businessmen and a child pornography in her latest book. (08-MAR-06)

March 7, 2006

Call for Serbia to decriminalise defamation

Journalists working in Serbia & Montenegro continue to have their right to free expression violated. Following a United Nations Human Rights Committee ruling on 23 January, ARTICLE 19 has called for the removal of defamation from the criminal law books. The Committee ruled that use of criminal law in the case of Bodrozic versus Serbia & Montenegro supressed valid criticism of public officials and violated the journalist’s right to freedom of expression. The Committee was particularly critical of the use of the criminal ‘insult’ provisions. (07-MAR-06)

March 7, 2006

Call for Serbia to decriminalise defamation

Journalists working in Serbia & Montenegro continue to have their right to free expression violated. Following a United Nations Human Rights Committee ruling on 23 January, ARTICLE 19 has called for the removal of defamation from the criminal law books. The Committee ruled that use of criminal law in the case of Bodrozic versus Serbia & Montenegro supressed valid criticism of public officials and violated the journalist’s right to freedom of expression. The Committee was particularly critical of the use of the criminal ‘insult’ provisions. (07-MAR-06)

March 5, 2006

Authorities must speed up investigation of Elmar Huseynov’s murder

Though one year passed since the murder of the journalist of Elmar Huseynov, the official investigation has not been completed yet.  The public opinion in Republic of Azerbaijan is that it is not in favor of the government to open up the case because as the widow of the journalist said “I remain sure that someone among the authorities did order the assassination of my husband”. On the 1-st anniversary of Elmar Huseynov’s murder there were organized several events commemorating the journalist as well as discussing and criticizing the slow investigation of the case. (03-MAR-2006)

March 5, 2006

One year passes since murder of journalist Elmar Huseynov

The murder of the 38-year-old Elmar Huseynov, editor-in-chief of the independent magazine “Monitor,” on 2 March 2005 shocked the Azerbaijani and international community. The popular journalist and analyst with the critical standpoint to the government was shot seven times by a pistol on the threshold of his apartment, therefore, lots of people were certain that Huseynov’s murder was the handiwork of the authorities. (02-MAR-2006)

March 5, 2006

Public Investigation Commission Evaluated the Violence on Rally

The government’s violent dispersal of a peaceful rally held by the “Azadlig” Election Bloc and other political powers on November 26, 2005 had serious resonance both in this country and in the international arena. Azerbaijan’s human rights organizations and well-known legal specialists decided to create a Public Investigation Commission, which held the careful investigation since November and released the report in the end of February. (01-MAR-2006)

March 4, 2006

Closer cooperation within the Human Rights House Network

27-28 February the meeting of Human Rights Houses contact persons took place in Moscow. Participants discussed main principles of development of the web-site, which presents a reflection of current work, strengthening relations and most important problems in the sphere of international human rights movement. (04-MAR-06)

March 4, 2006

Kenya: Armed police attack and shut down newspaper and tv station

Kenyans on Thursday 2 March woke up to the shocking news of a brutal police raid on the standard media group premises in which the Republic of Kenya Television Network (KTN) was put off air, their newspaper printing plant disabled and tens of thousands  of the days copies of newspapers burned. Right, the special edition of the 2 March Standard Newspaper reporting the police raid. (04-MAR-06)