Exhibition “Human rights in Russia”
From April 14 to May 11, an exhibition “Human rights in Russia”, which is organized by the Russian Research Center for Human Rights under the aegis of the Ombudsman for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, is being held in the Museum of Contemporary History of the Russian Federation in Moscow. The exhibition is a part of the big project “Getting the younger generation involved in protection of human rights, due to development the volunteer movement” carried out by the Center with the help of the European Union. (28-APR-06)
Anti-Semitic broadcast on Catholic radiostation
On March 27, Radio Maryja broadcasted an editorial by Stanislaw Michalkiewicz, right, regarding the claims of Jewish organizations against the Polish government concerning the inheritance property of Holocaust victims. Several charges have been brought against the radio station for anti-Semitism. (28-APR-06)
Anti-Semitic broadcast in Catholic radio
On March 27, Radio Maryja broadcast an editorial by Stanislaw Michalkiewicz regarding the claims of Jewish organizations against the Polish government concerning the inheritance property of Holocaust victims. (28-APR-06)
Exhibition “Human rights in Russia”
From Apri, 14 to May, 11 an exhibition “Human rights in Russia” organized by the Russian Research Center for Human Rights under the aegis of the Ombudsman for Human Rights in the Russian Federation is being held in the Museum of Contemporary History of the Russian Federation in Moscow. The exhibition is a part of the big project “Getting the younger generation involved in protection of human rights, due to development the volunteer movement” carried out by the Center with the help of the European Union. (28-APR-06)
Norwegian Helsinki Committee condemns arrests by Belarusian police
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee strongly condemns the arrests of Belarusian oppositional leaders and demands their immediate release. Aleksander Milinkevich, leader of the coalition of opposition and presidential candidate during the elections of March 19, right, was today sentenced to 15 days in prison for ´organising an unsanctioned rally´ during the 20-year anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophy yesterday. (28-APR-06)
Belarus: Oppositional Leaders Are Arrested After Path of Chernobyl .
The 26th of April 2006 is the 20th anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl power plan. 10000 people peaceful protest action of opposition was held in Minsk. Milinkevich and leaders of Belarusian political parties are arrested. (27-APR-06)
HRH Foundation protests against imprisonment of Belarusian youth activist
In a letter to President Lukashenko, the Human Rights House Foundation has condemned the arrest and continued imprisonment of youth activist Artur Finkevich. Finkevich was arrested for writing the graffiti text “We want a new one” on public property on 30 January. He has already been fined $17,000 dollar and can, in case he is found guilty of “purposeful destruction or defilement of property,” be sentenced to 7-12 years’ imprisonment. Read the letter here. (27-APR-06)
HRH condemns possible closure of Belarusian newspaper
In a letter to President Lukashenko, the Human Rights House Foundation has condemned the political campaign against Belarusian newspaper Nasha Niva. The newspaper, one of the last independent voices in the country and the last newspaper in the Belarusian language, was not given a registered legal address in the country’s capital, Minsk. In the Belarusian context, this means that the newspaper won’t get a legal status. (27-APR-06)
Belarus: Oppositional Leaders Are Arrested After Path of Chernobyl
The 26th of April 2006 was the 20th anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl power plan. More than 10,000 people defied threats by the police and took the streets to commemorate the Chernobyl disaster which took place 20 years ago and to show their dissatisfaction with the Lukashenko regime. Milinkevich and other leaders leaders of Belarus’ opposition parties were arrested. (27-APR-06)