

April 19, 2006

Museveni’s press censorship goes global

The Norwegian Council for Africa, an organisation HRH has fruitfully co-operated with on several occasions, recently received a reprimanding email from Robert Kabushenga, right, press officer at President Museveni´s offices in Kampala. Stop quoting from the Monitor, is the bottom line of the message. The Monitor, of course, is Uganda´s best known independent newspaper.

April 18, 2006

Department of Ideology Closes “Nasha Niva” Down

Right before the Easter “Nasha Niva” got a letter from Minsk city executive committee. It has it: “the allocation of “Nasha Niva” in Minsk is not appropriate”. The motivation is as follows: “… it has been ascertained … that the 22th of March the editor-in-chief of “Nasha Niva” was put under administrative arrest for 10 days”. (18-APR-06)

April 18, 2006

Belarusian Department of Ideology closes down the newspaper Nasha Niva

Right before Easter, the Belarusian newspaper Nasha Niva received a letter from the Executive Committee of the city of Minsk, which stated that “the allocation of Nasha Niva in Minsk wasn’t appropriate.” The motivation was that “on 22 March, the editor-in-chief of Nasha Niva was put under administrative arrest for 10 days”. This editor-in-chief, Andrej Dynko, right in the middle, was detained while getting off a bus on 21 March, at the time of the post-election protests. Later he was convicted of “foul language”. Here, the newspaper’s editorial board makes an appeal. (18-APR-06)

April 17, 2006

Anti-discrimination – a joint task

The NGO sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina has launched an initiative for drafting of an anti-discrimination law in this country. Adoption of the anti-discrimination law is not only an obligation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by international standards for the purpose of joining the European integration, but also a necessity and an urgent task of the general public of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  (17-APR-06)

April 17, 2006

Anti-discrimination – a joint task

The NGO sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina has taken the first step towards drafting an anti-discrimination law for the country. Adoption of an anti-discrimination law that complies with international standards is not only a condition attached to the process of joining the European integration, but also a necessity and an urgent task of the general public of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  (17-APR-2006)

April 16, 2006

Fair Elections?

13 May 2006 is the day of re-run Parliamentary Elections in 10 districts of Republic of Azerbaijan. However there is not observed any special interest to the Parliamentary elections, as the society considers that the major balance or rather the disbalance of political forces have already been outlined and the elections or rather fight over 10 seats cannot bring major changes. The majority of human rights defenders believe that, the lack of attention both by the national and international observers create additional opportunities for obvious fraud on elections and numerous human rights violations. (15-APR-2006)

April 13, 2006

The victory of human rights activists in Basmanny court

On 10 April the Basmanny Municipal Court of Moscow rejected the claim of the Federal Registry Service of the Ministry of Justice, which wanted the Russian Research Center for Human Rights to be liquidated as a legal entity. Is this a definitive victory, or is the Federal Registry Service preparing a new blow against human rights activists? Will the new NGO law become a grave digger for all civil initiatives in Russia? (13-APR-06)

April 13, 2006

Russian Research Center for Human Rights evades liquidation

On 10 April the Basmanny Municipal Court of Moscow rejected the claim of the Federal Registry Service of the Ministry of Justice, which wanted the Russian Research Center for Human Rights to be liquidated as a legal entity. Is this a definitive victory, or is the Federal Registry Service preparing a new blow against human rights activists? Will the new NGO law become a grave digger for all civil initiatives in Russia? (13-APR-06)

April 12, 2006

Belarus: Lukashenka and 30 His Officials Named Non Grata Persons in EU

On the 10th of April the European Union has officially introduced sanctions against the Belarusian president Aliaksandr Lukashenka and 30 high-ranking officials. All of them are non grata persons in the EU countries. (11-APR-06)