

May 17, 2006

Egypt: Arrests of journalists and campaigners rings alarm bells for free expression campaigners

Several human rights organizations have voiced alarm at what appears to be an escalation of arrests and attacks on journalists and campaigners in Egypt. Prize-winning blogger Alaa Ahmed Seif al-Islam was among those arrested after after protesting against 30 April’s announcement that the country’s emergency law will be extended a further two years. (17-MAY-06)

May 17, 2006

Norwegian Government urged to support a HR House in Nairobi

Led by Morris Odhiambo, right, Executive Director of CLARION, the Interim Board of the Human Rights House project in Nairobi has urged the visiting Norwegian parliamentarians to lobby their government to reconsider its current stand on the project in the Republic of Kenya and to actively support the planned establishment of the human rights house in Nairobi. (17-MAY-06)

May 17, 2006

Nine out of ten East African girls suffer abuse

The Pan-African advocacy group African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) reports that nine out of 10 girls in Eastern Africa have suffered physical or psychological abuse, including rape at the hands of relatives. According to the study, 99 percent of women in the Republic of Kenya have been beaten, and this primarily by their mothers, while 94 percent of them in the Republic of Uganda reported being victims compared with Ethiopia´s 84 percent. (17-MAY-06)

May 16, 2006

Make Free Belarusian Political Prisoners!

The 16th day of every month is a Day of Solidarity in the Republic of Belarus. This time it is planned to hold actions near the embassies and missions of the Russian Federation all over the world. The initiators of the protest believe, the Russian Federation can demand Lukashenka stop repressions against political opponents and the civil society. (16-MAY-06)

May 16, 2006

‘We’ll raid you again,’ Michuki warns

Cabinet minister John Michuki, right, yesterday threatened a new terror raid against the media only two days after the mysterious bloody attack on a Christian radio station. The shocking warning from the Internal Security boss seemed to be particularly directed at the Standard Group, victims of a raid by hooded security men two months ago, which drew widespread condemnation around the world.

May 16, 2006

Make Free Belarusian Political Prisoners!

The 16th day of every month is a Day of Solidarity in the Republic of Belarus. This time it is planned to hold actions near the embassies and missions of the Russian Federation all over the world. The initiators of the protest believe, the Russian Federation can demand Lukashenka stop repressions against political opponents and the civil society. (16-MAY-06)

May 15, 2006

Commemoration of Andijan-massacre

Saturday 13 May the Uzbek exile population in Norway, organised a memorial service in remembrance of the massacre in Andijan, which took place exactly one year before and claimed hundreds of lives. Representatives of the Uzbek civil society, Uzbek political emigrants and refugees, together with the Norwegian Helsinki Committee once again articulated the seriousness of the human rights situation in the Central Asian republic. (15-MAY-06)

May 14, 2006

International Day of Antifascists Solidarity – “NO PASARAN!”

The 8 May, on the Day of Europe, Europeans celebrate victory over fascism. This day was declared the International Day of Antifascists Solidarity under the slogan “NO PASARAN!”  Members of the Youth Human Rights Movement, struggling against fascism, organized symbolic actions of solidarity with antifascists of all countries. According to the latest report of Amnesty International racially-motivated killings, beatings and discrimination are on the increase in the Russian Federation. (14-MAY-06)

May 14, 2006

International Day of Antifascists Solidarity – “NO PASARAN!”

The 8 May, on the Day of Europe, Europeans celebrated the victory over fascism. This day was declared the International Day of Antifascists Solidarity under the slogan “NO PASARAN!”  Members of the Youth Human Rights Movement, struggling against fascism, organized symbolic actions of solidarity with antifascists of all countries. According to the latest report of Amnesty International racially-motivated killings, beatings and discrimination are on the increase in the Russian Federation. (14-MAY-06)