

June 7, 2019

Вакансія каардынатара Школы лічбавай бяспекі DSS375

Асноўная функцыя каардынатара — забеспячэнне адміністрацыйнай, інфармацыйна-лагістычнай і змястоўнай працы Школы лічбавай бяспекі DSS375 пры Беларускім доме правоў чалавека.

June 6, 2019

Cтатыстыка інцыдэнтаў, звязаных з лічбавай бяспекай, за 2018 год

Школа лічбавай бяспекі DSS375 цягам 2018 года збірала згадкі аб інцыдэнтах, звязаных з лічбавай бяспекай, якія адбыліся з беларускімі праваабаронцамі, журналістамі і актывістамі.

May 24, 2019

Летнія Школы па правах чалавека для моладзі-2019: запрашаем да ўдзелу!

Беларуская праваабарончая школа, арганізаваная міжнароднай супольнасцю праваабарончых арганізацый, абвяшчае конкурс на ўдзел у Летніх школах па правах чалавека на 2019 год.

May 10, 2019

International Civil Society Week in Belgrade

International Civil Society Week 2019 (ICSW) was held in Belgrade from 8-12 April 2019. Events were co-organised by Civic Initiatives (member of Human Rights House Belgrade), CIVICUS: Civic Alliance for Citizen Participation, and Balkan Civil Society Development Network.

May 10, 2019

“If you can smile in the most difficult situations, you are not yet defeated”

A key contributor to creating a human rights community in Belarus, Tatsiana Reviaka was one of the country’s first human rights defenders when she began her work in the newly-independent Belarus. Reviaka was the president of Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House between 2010 and 2018.

May 10, 2019

Marking 10 years of the Anti-Discrimination Act in Croatia

Marking the anniversary of the adoption of the main legal instrument to fight discrimination in Croatia, Human Rights House Zagreb held an international conference in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudswoman.

May 10, 2019

Growing Use of Administrative Detention as Tool for Repression in Azerbaijan

“Administrative detention of government critics is not related to committed offences but is a political tool of punishment for their political, social and media activities,” states EMDS in its report Politically Motivated Administrative Detentions.

May 2, 2019

Second leadership academy for women defenders held in Tbilisi

Human Rights House Tbilisi (HRHT) hosted its National Leadership Academy for the second time in Tbilisi, Georgia, in March 2019. The academy aims to support young women human rights defenders to be more active and increase their participation in policy planning and public work.

April 11, 2019

Why is the Venice Commission study on NGO funding so important?

The Venice Commission expresses that “States must create an enabling environment in which associations can effectively operate and access funding, including foreign funding.” This comes in its review of standards applying to funding of NGOs within Council of Europe member states, published in March 2019.