Advocating for increased support for civil society, and marking 30 years of the Network of Human Rights Houses
From October 7-11, 2024, 15 human rights defenders from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine gathered for a week of advocacy as a part of the Network of Human Rights Houses’ 30th anniversary celebrations. Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) and Network partners aimed to deepen engagement with Norwegian policymakers and raise awareness of critical human rights challenges across the region, emphasising the need for increased political and financial support from Norway for civil society.
SLAPP Workshop in Armenia: Empowering Civil Society Against Legal Harassment
In September 2024, Human Rights House Yerevan and Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) hosted a two-day workshop in Armenia to equip civil society representatives with tools to combat Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs). The workshop gathered 17 participants, including eco-activists, environmental organisations, and human rights defenders, to discuss SLAPPs, examine their threats to democracy and free speech, and explore strategies for legal resistance. The event was facilitated by Mari Kapanadze from Georgian Democracy Initiative, Charlie Holt from Greenpeace International and the CASE Coalition, and Nora Wehofsits from HRHF.
Human rights violations, reprisals and accountability – Our work at HRC57
At the 57th UN Human Rights Council, Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) worked alongside civil society partners to highlight the situation for human rights in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and the Balkans.
Portraits of Strength 3rd Edition: Yuliia Kishenko, Ukraine
Yuliia Kishenko is a Ukrainian human rights defender and volunteer.
She became part of the human rights movement over 10 years ago through her activism, when she joined “East SOS” – a volunteer movement that grew into a charitable fund supporting victims of war. In recent years Kishenko has focused on human rights in education, national advocacy and supporting civil society in war.
Portraits of Strength 3rd Edition: Valentyna Potapova, Ukraine
Valentyna Potapova is a human rights defender from Ukraine. She is the head of national advocacy direction at Centre of Civil Education “Almenda”, a member organisation of Human Rights House Crimea, which had to relocate from Crimea to Kyiv following Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014. Since then, Potapova’s work is focused on protecting the right to education of children remaining under occupation.
Portraits of Strength 3rd Edition: Dragoslava Barzut, Serbia
Dragoslava Barzut is a writer and human rights defender from Serbia. She is a Public Policy Program Manager at Civic Initiatives, a member organisation of Human Rights House Belgrade. Barzut’s work centres on combating hate speech and hate crimes, addressing the shrinking civic space, and advocating for the rights of LGBTQI people.
Portraits of Strength 3rd Edition: Liubov Vinogradova, Russia
Liubov Vinogradova (1952 – 2024), a Russian human rights defender and medical psychologist, passed away in May 2024. Vinogradova was the Executive Director of the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia (IPA) from 1989 until her passing, working to expose and end the practice of punitive psychiatry in Russia.
Portraits of Strength 3rd Edition: Maria Poszytek, Poland
Maria Poszytek is a lawyer and human rights defender from Poland. She works at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, a member of the Network of Human Rights Houses, and focuses on rights of migrants, especially the right to liberty, right to life and security, right to an effective remedy, right to freedom of torture and inhuman treatment, rights of the child.
Portraits of Strength 3rd Edition: Asria Taleb Mohamed, Norway
Asria Taleb Mohamed is a human rights defender from Western Sahara who works for the Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara, a member of the Norwegian Council for Africa (a member organisation of Human Rights House Oslo), and advocates for women’s rights, international law, the right to self-determination, and the rights of refugees. With a background in journalism, Taleb Mohamed’s work is focused on informing the world about Western Sahara, through art, media and public speaking.