

November 13, 2013

Petitions to EP on violation of right to family life

X.Y. and Z.W. submitted a petition to the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament arguing that Poland violated their rights as European Union citizens. Petitioners noted that Poland’s refusal to enter in the Polish register of births, deaths and marriages the information about them concluding a civil partnership abroad had violated their right to a family life and free movement of persons.

November 12, 2013

Складанае становішча беларускіх СМІ адзначана на міжнародным узроўні

Беларусь — апошняя ў Індэксе свабоды прэсы сярод краінаў «Усходняга партнерства» Еўразвязу. Праз пастаяннае з’яўленне трывожных сігналаў у галіне СМІ ў Беларусі была прызначана адмысловы Прадстаўнік Міжнароднай азіральнай місіі.

November 6, 2013

Committee Against Torture asks government about situation in Poland

Last week in Geneva, the Polish Government provided explanations to the UN Committee Against Torture regarding the periodic report on the implementation of the Convention against Torture. Wojciech Wegrzyn, Under-secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice led the Polish ten-member delegation.

November 6, 2013

Rules governing body searches of foreigners unconstitutional

The Constitutional Tribunal held on 29 October 2013 that internal regulations of guarded centres for foreigners which govern body searches were contrary to the Polish Constitution. The constitutional review was launched at the request of the Human Rights Defender.

November 5, 2013

The UN Special Rapporteur: “Belarus should guarantee the right to elect and to be elected”

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation with human rights in Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, said that Belarus has to guarantee a series of human rights in order to give effect to the right to elect and to be elected.

November 4, 2013

Спецдакладчык ААН Міклаш Харасці: «Беларусь павінна гарантаваць права выбіраць і быць абраным»

Спецыяльны дакладчык ААН па пытанні аб становішчы ў галіне правоў чалавека ў Беларусі Міклаш Харасці зазначыў, што Беларусь павінна гарантаваць шэраг правоў чалавека для ажыццяўлення права абіраць і быць абраным.

October 31, 2013

Hope to win with more attention and support

Though the situation with the rent agreement is still not solved, and the city administration of Voronezh stays reluctant to the activities Human Rights House Voronezh performs, there is hope.

October 28, 2013

Third Belarusian Human Rights Forum held in Vilnius

On 26-27 October Vilnius hosted the Third Belarusian Human Rights Forum. The forum was attended by more than 150 human rights defenders from Belarus and other countries, activists of civic and human rights organizations as well as relatives of political prisoners.

October 28, 2013

3-ці Беларускі праваабарончы форум прайшоў у Вільні

26-27 кастрычніка ў Вільні прайшоў 3-ці Беларускі праваабарончы форум. У форуме прынялі удзел больш за 150 праваабаронцаў з Беларусі і іншых краін, актывісты грамадскіх і праваабарончых арганізацый і сваякі беларускіх палітвязняў.