UN Special Rapporteurs were informed about the pressure on journalists and human rights defenders
During the protest action, that was held on 24 November in the center of Minsk, at least 12 were charged with administrative offense of “Violation of the order of organization or conducting of mass events” and the police drew up administrative reports against them.
Спецыяльным дакладчыкам ААН паведамілі аб факце ціску на праваабаронцаў і журналістаў
Падчас акцыі, якая праходзіла 24 лістапада ў цэнтры Мінска ў дачыненні як мінімум 12 чалавек былі складзеныя пратаколы аб адміністрацыйным правапарушэнні за “Парушэнне парадку арганізацыі або правядзення масавых мерапрыемстваў”.
Updated: UN adopts resolution supporting human rights defenders
HRHN welcomes the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the resolution. This will protect, empower, and support human rights defenders, and address the increasingly threatening climate in which they work.
The new death sentence was passed in Belarus
On 20 November, 2015 Ivan Kulesh from Belarus was sentenced to death penalty. European human rights defenders and politicians responded to such sentence, urging the Belarusian authorities to renounce this form of punishment.
У Беларусі вынесены новы смяротны прысуд
20 лістапада 2015 года быў вынесены смяротны прысуд беларусу Івану Куляшу. На прысуд адрэагавалі еўрапейскія праваабаронцы і палітыкі, заклікаючы ўлады Беларусі адмовіцца ат такой формы пакарання.
Five Georgian NGOs Appealed to the Justices of the International Criminal Court
With coordination by the Open Society Georgia Foundation, five Georgian non-governmental organizations, among them are three members of the HRHT, addressed their written statement to the justices of the International Criminal Court concerning the commencement of investigation into the war crimes and crimes against humanity possibly committed during the August 2008 war. The statement has been signed off by the Article 42 of the Constitution, the Human Rights Center, the Center for Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA).
The pressure on human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka continues
The customs has temporarily seized trying to take human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka to court. However, now “the duty of vigilance and pressure” was tranfered to the tax authorities, which in recent years have repeatedly tried to find law violations in the actions of the human rights defender and his family.
Appeal to the Border Committee – attempt to put pressure on the officials?
Belarusian users of social networks began an action in support of human rights defenders, who are regularly being a subject of additional checks while crossing the border. The Chairman of the State Border Committee commented on the appeal, calling it an attempt to put pressure on the officials at the border checkpoints.
Ціск на праваабаронцу Леаніда Судаленку – мытня ўжо была, цяпер чарга падатковай
На нейкі час спыніліся прэтэнзіі, якія мытня спрабавала «ўзаконіць» праз суд у дачыненні да праваабаронцы Леаніда Судаленкі.Але зараз «вахту пільнасці і ціску» падхапіла падатковая інспекцыя, якая ўжо не першы раз за апошнія гады не пакідае намаганняў знайсці ў дзеяннях праваабаронцы і яго сям’і парушэнні заканадаўства.