

December 19, 2023

HRC: The situation for Ukrainians detained by the Russian Federation

On 19 December 2023, HRHF delivered a statement at the UN Human Rights Council highlighting the situation for those unjustly detained or imprisoned in Crimea.

December 15, 2023

Azerbaijani authorities must end mass crackdown against the remaining free media and independent voices in the country

Human Rights House Foundation is alarmed by the latest wave of crackdowns against what remains of independent media and dissenting voices in Azerbaijan. Over the course of the last 25 days, at least 11 journalists and human rights defenders have been detained on dubious and seemingly ungrounded charges, in retaliation for the legitimate exercise of freedom of expression. The latest events are a deeply worrying attack on the Azerbaijani media sector and dissenting voices, particularly as they come in advance of recently announced and early Presidential elections on 7 February 2024. We call on the Azerbaijani authorities to drop the criminal cases against recently jailed individuals and release them immediately.

December 12, 2023

Коли я спілкуюся з [політичними в’язнями] та їхніми родичами, я кажу, що [юридичні заходи] не вплинуть суттєво на їхню ситуацію, але це необхідно робити.

24 лютого 2022 року адвокат прав людини Сергій Заєць та його сім’я стали внутрішньо переміщеними особами (ВПО) вдруге в результаті повномасштабного російського вторгнення. Вони евакуювалися з Ірпеня на захід України, де живуть досі. Проживаючи в Криму до 2014 року, Сергію та його сім’ї довелося переїхати з півострова після російської окупації. У цьому інтерв’ю для Фонду Домів прав людини, Сергій розповів про свою боротьбу за права людини українських політичних в’язнів, що знаходяться у російському ув’язненні, вибудові стратегічних справ та особливості життя та роботи під час війни.

December 8, 2023

Why we continue to defend human rights

Ahead of International Human Rights Day 2023, HRHF has spoken to several human rights defenders from around the Network of Human Rights Houses to ask them about the state of human rights in their countries and why they find it important to continue their work.

December 4, 2023

Reunited: Human Rights Houses Network Meeting 2023

After several years of unprecedented global events, the Network of Human Rights Houses convened in Warsaw from 20-24 November for the first in-person Network meeting since 2019. Colleagues from 28 CSOs from 12 countries reconnected to discuss successes, common challenges, and emerging human rights trends. Together, the Network welcomed its newest member, Human Rights House Banja Luka.

November 28, 2023

Olha Skrypnyk on HRDs recommendations for the upcoming UN Resolution on Crimea

In December 2023, the UN General Assembly will vote for the eighth resolution on the situation of human rights in the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Human Rights House Crimea (HRH Crimea) member organisations have submitted recommendations to the resolution. This year, their emphasis is on new trends emerging amid the full-scale Russian aggression. In this interview originally published by HRH Crimea, Olha Skrypnyk, head of the Crimean Human Rights Group and co-coordinator of the Expert Network of the Crimean Platform, gives insight into these proposals and highlights the significance of this resolution and international advocacy efforts.

November 28, 2023

Open letter on EU and several European states’ concerning decision to suspend and review of funding to Palestinian and Israeli NGOs

In an open letter, Human Rights House Foundation joins Amnesty International and 97 other civil society organisations in expressing serious concern at the EU and several European states‘ decision to suspend or review their funding to Palestinian and Israeli civil society organisations.

November 23, 2023

Rights of Defenders: 20 standards and principles related to the rights of human rights defenders

In 2023, Human Rights House Foundation launched an update to the Rights of Defenders booklet. The update coincides with the 25th anniversary of the 1998 UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and the updated booklet expands on the original 16 standards that we first published in 2018.

November 9, 2023

Open letter: We refuse to let the Anti-SLAPP Directive be a missed opportunity

74 civil society organisations including Human Rights House Foundation have written to the European Commission, the European Parliament’s rapporteur, the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council and the Ministers of Justice of all EU Member States to reiterate their concerns regarding the trilogue process of the anti-SLAPP Directive. Members of the CASE coalition urge the European institutions to negotiate the strongest possible Anti-SLAPP Directive that effectively protects public watchdogs.