Belarusian Parliamentary Elections in 2016: what would it be?
The CEC has yet to prepare proposals for the democratization of the electoral process based on the recommendations from human rights defenders, however, Aliaksandr Lukashenka has already spoken out against the “obscure democracy.”
Парламенцкія выбары ў Беларусі ў 2016: што гэта будзе?
ЦВК яшчэ толькі рыхтуе прапановы па дэмакратызацыі выбарчага працэсу на базе рэкамендацый ад праваабаронцаў, аднак Аляксандр Лукашэнка ўжо выказаўся супраць “незразумелай дэмакратыі”.
Intigam Aliyev released
HRHN welcomes the release of Initgam Aliyev on 28 March 2016, following the Azerbaijan supreme court’s decision to convert his seven-and-a-half-year prison sentence to a five-year suspended term.
UN clearly stands behind right to protest and to promote human rights
HRHN welcomes the adoption of two resolutions at the United Nations Human Rights Council, and commends the majority of the Council for resisting significant hostile amendments seeking to weaken or even hijack these resolutions. These resolutions and the protections they confer are important for civil society, as is understanding the process in which they were challenged, amended, and finally adopted at the Council by a vote on 24 March 2016.
HRC 31: HRHN statement on human rights situation in Ukraine
Human Rights House Network raises serious concerns over the human rights situation in Crimea, addressing human rights abuses linked to Russia’s occupation, and policies adopted by Ukraine that have exacerbated the situation. It was delivered on 22 March 2016, under item 10 at the 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
HRC 31: Statement on UPR Adoption of Georgia
Human Rights House Network delivered a statement, endorsed by members of the Human Rights House Tbilisi, during the UPR Report Consideration of Georgia.
Released: Anar Mammadli and Rasul Jafarov
Anar Mammadli and Rasul Jafarov will be released from prison along with other activists and journalists in Azerbaijan.
Death convict’s brother complains about the pressure in colony
Aliaksei Khmialeuski reports that he is experiencing unbearable pressure in the colony, which began after the death sentence of his own brother. In mid-February the Minsk district court issued the death sentence against 31-year old Siarhei Khmialeuski for double or more homicide. This is the second death sentence in 2016.
Брат асуджанага да смерці скардзіцца на прэсінг
Аляксей Хмялеўскі паведамляе, што зведвае невыносны прэсінг у папраўчай калоніі, які распачаўся пасля вынясення смяротнага прысуду яго роднаму брату. У сярэдзіне лютага Мінскі абласны суд вынес смяротны прысуд 31-гадоваму жыхару пасёлка Мачулішчы Мінскага раёна Сяргею Хмялеўская за жорсткае забойства двух і больш асобаў. Гэта другі смяротны прысуд, вынесены ў Беларусі з пачатку 2016 года.