Homar_Rza Homar Rza, a 5th grade pupil at Ruseløkka school downtown Oslo, impressed the entire audience with her clear message, presented in the form of a poem, at the HRH Azerbaijan conference yesterday. The poem, written as part of a school project on peace, equals this condition with friendship and argues that the combi-nation is nothing but a synonym for community. The poem asks why not everyone can be free to live under circumstances like that, suggesting, of course, that those undermining peace and thus making it difficult for friend-ship and community to grow, may well be unable to come up with an answer even to simple questions like that. It is likely, says the editor of this web-site, that the poet´s intention was exactly this; to shame those who cause war without understanding the full consequences of what they do.

This is Homar Rza´s poem:

FRED                                                     PEACE                                                         

Fred betyr vennskap                                 Peace means friendship
et annet ord for fellesskap.                        another word for community.
Ikke alle ønsker blir oppfylt.                        Not all wishes are fulfilled.
Noen opplever krig hele året                       Some experience war all year
og noen opplever fred.                              and some experience peace.
Hvorfor kan ikke alle være frie?                   Why can´t everyone be free?