AFS International Exchange marks 60 years in 2007. The organization launched an international peace appeal that will be delivered to UN this autumn. The petition encourages the world leaders to increase support to international exchange programs. AFS has a local office at the Rafto Human Rights House in Bergen (30-JUN-07).

Source: AFS International Exchange Norway. Re-published by Gunta Venge, Rafto Human Rights House

Intercultural exchange programs teach teenagers all over the world that our concerns are global. An exchange experience fosters mutual understanding that can help bridge our differences and lead to peace. 

The appeal was launched at the Nobel Peace Center in Norway this spring. “It was natural for us to start in Norway, the country which is recognised as a peace nation”, said Tachi Cazal, president in AFS International.

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The world where peace and understanding replaces conflict and ignorance

– International exchange programs create mutual understanding and accept among different cultures, expressed Brian J. Atwood, leader of the Board of Trustees in AFS International.
– These exchange programs help the youth to become citizens of the world, give them tools that makes them spread intercultural understanding in their local environment, region and country or on the international arena.

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We, the undersigned, know that peace and justice require that we extend the hand of friendship across borders, cultures and religions and that knowledge and understanding are needed to nurture these friendships.

The nations of the world can promote peace by helping the world’s youth build these friendships. Therefore we call upon the world’s leaders to enable young people
everywhere to live and study in cultures other than their own by significantly expanding youth exchange programs.

Friendship leads to understanding. Understanding leads to peace. We call on all to grasp this opportunity.

Sign and forward!
We encourage everybody to visit and sign the appeal. Forward then it to your colleagues, friends and acquaintances.

Contact person
Magnus Aase: